How do you build up sitting still and meditating for long periods of time without moving and without falling asleep?

Ian Z.
Pick a chair/location reserved only for meditating, your body will adjust and understand that it’s not time to sleep. Try meditating first thing in the morning
Claire P.
Get plenty of sleep so that you can stay awake to meditate. Plan and intend to meditate for a period every day, preferably at a certain time. For consistency, maybe choose a time of day that can be kept free from other commitments, such as early morning.
Alison E.
Fidgeting and falling asleep are common things that happen when you begin a meditation habit. But with practice and time you will see these things happen less and less. Make sure you get enough sleep so that your body is less prone to falling asleep when you close your eyes and meditate.
Kim J.
Just start small, I started at 4 minutes and doing it almost daily now I can do ( I prefer) 30 minutes plus somedays I use guided sessions others I just put on some music or just sit in the silence!
Sue E.
Just focus on your breathing and naturally your mind will wander. Notice it and bring it back to the focus of your breath.
Jar Y.
Don't worry about long periods of time, some days you'll just float into it, others you won't.

Try meditating in less convential spaces also, like the train or even wide eyed meditation while walking.

All of these things add to both the benefits of meditation and as practice too

Urien A.
Start small. And remember meditation is NOT to stop thinking. Its to be in the present moment, so pay attention to sensations, sounds, smells, tastes, even sights. When your mind starts to wander, acknlowdge it and gently remind it that you are paying attention to the present, bringing it back to whatever you have chosen to focus on. Dont get mad or upset or feel defeated, just say "My mind has wandered."
Helmar F.
I've done a lot of different types of yoga and meditation. The best thing I've found, is to not look at meditation as clearing everything in your head. Meditation, or to meditate on something, means to bring full focus to it. So I really like to use the opportunity to not think of anything critical in my life but to instead choose a relaxed position that will allow me to straighten out my spine. Once I feel like I have my spine as extended and as straight as I can, I try to simply focus on keeping my posture aligned. Imagining a steel rod running from the summit of your head down to your lower vertebrae will help you visual what you feel with what you are trying to achieve. Not to mention it helps when going out in public or to work, having good strong posture helps people take you seriously and makes you feel more in control and confident. Hope this helps!
Morgan F.
Start small. Meditating for 1 minute is better than nothing. Keep focusing on the breathe and every time you feel like your drifting bring it back to the breath. Also don’t lay down when meditating if you don’t want to fall asleep.
Christoffer E.
It takes practice to sit, without moving, start with shorter times like a minute, then 5, then 10, 20, and as you get more practice you get better at sitting without moving. As for without falling asleep, focus of something, whether it is gratitude, self improvement, self esteem and think positively, or focus on something more physical like your breath or heart
Lucas C.
Just do it. Meditation is a skill that requires much practice to master it. Commit to doing it regularly. Practice makes perfect. Patience and self-discipline wins over time.
Arnold P.
I focus on my breath or a mantra. Guided meditations or focusing on an object help a lot. But also, if you fall asleep don’t worry: your body probably needed it and you created a relaxed environment that let you rest.