How do you balance quick, cheap and healthy when figuring out great breakfasts? I typically prefer a hot breakfast, but they take a long time to prepare.

Jessika O.
I also struggle with this as well. Then fabulous offered a some useful tip. What I do is go for a simple sandwich (peanut butter + banana + brown bread) which is easy and requires less time. Plain yogurt is my other option. Currently I plan to look into other options such as eggs and nuts. For breakfast recipes that require a long time to prepare, I think to have the ingredients prepared earlier on (e.g. The night before if possible) is useful.
Michael G.
One good option I’ve found is half a cup rolled oats + half cup unsweetened apple sauce + some cinnamon. Microwave it for two minutes, stir, and 30 microwave seconds more. Delicious, healthy, and quick!
Tino F.
Overnight oats. Soak oatmeal in milk in a jar. Take them out in the morning, heat for 1min, add fruit and nuts. Easy, quick and healthy.
Allan J.
I like eggs in the morning. They don't take long to cook. Scrambled eggs is done in less than 5 minutes. You can but eggs boiling while you prepare other things for your day. Same with porridge if you cook in the microwave
Liva B.
When I get up in the morning, the last things I want to do is to cook. I take a bowl abd I pour in some fat-free yoghurt, dry fruits (banana, nuts, cashew nits, etc) and then some sugar-free granola. I drink also a cup of black coffee with no sugar ( I cannot work without coffee).

I have just started to have breakfast again so probably the "menu" will change later on.

James W.
I usually go for some fruit and possibly yogurt. I also like to include water to get hydrated and feel good about what's going into my body.
Orlani E.
I try to mix it up. I'm busy are most of us. I try to have a good quality meal replacement on hand as well as whole grain bread, nut butters, fruit and cheeses for breakfast.
Janin O.
That question just screams "oatmeal" at me. It's quick, cheap, easy to make, healthy (especially if you get the steel cut oats instead of the more processed kinds), and you can do so many different things to it that it never gets old. Personally, I like adding fruit, but you can add nuts, spices, jelly, peanut butter, and whatever else you can think of. It's delicious!
Marc P.
I prefer sweet breakfasts like a smoothie bowl with muslie and dry fruits with nuts and seeds. Sometimes I eat sandwiches with veggies
Lyam Y.
Keep it simple, cook on the weekend the oats and keep it on the fridge and in the morning just put some nuts, almond, honey or some fresh fruit
Marie G.
I too prefer a hot breakfast. For me, the best options are fried eggs or omelette with some veggies (if I have any) They only take about 2-3 minutes to prepare. In the evening I make sure to leave a clean skillet, to have it ready in the morning. I also make my coffee while waiting for the eggs to cook.
Elmar S.
The way I balance quick cheap breakfast is buying some fruit and yogurt and either make me some smoothies or I eat some yogurt and fruit and I'll even add some granola to it and make a parfait. It's very helpful for me in the morning especially when I have to get my 7yr old up in the morning and get them dressed and get their breakfast ready before they get on the bus for school.
El Na E.
I generally take oatmeals which I can prep for the whole week. Oats, cinnamon, raisins, in a little box prepared for 7days. In the morning I add milk, put it in the microwave and add some apple afterward. Takes only a few minutes to prepare, cheap and warm.
Carl W.
I eat relatively few grains, which means I depend on protein to fe l full. But this does complicate options, and I work early and am NOT a morning person, so it has to be easy and quick.

Usually, I end up eating a protein shake and fruit, or Quaker Fiber and Protein oatmeal, 2 packets. $3.89/box is expensive for oatmeal, but not bad per meal, in the big picture.

I don't really love either of these items, flavor-wise, but I realized that, on most days, I was repetitively eating foods I was indifferent to, anyway. I just changed which indifferent foods I chose.

Elliot J.
I've just made porridge with banana and cinnamon in the time it takes to boil the kettle. I used milk, porridge oats, banana. Also to save washing up time, before I filled sink with hot soapy water and immediately washed the pan because dried up porridge pan is difficult to scrub if it is left… Took less than two minutes to clean 😊
Tha S E.
Oatmeal is an easy, quick, and cheap option. Also, scrambled eggs have been my go. Add in a bit of spinach or some other veggie and you’re good to go. 🙂
Michael U.
It doesn't have to take a lot of time. I like oatmeal in the morning. I usually put in a little vanillapowder or vanillaextract and half of a banan for sweetness. If you use the microwave it will only take up to 3 min.
Anna U.
Try making oatmeal on the stove and throw in some cinnamon, a pinch of salt, and a handful of frozen berries. Let it cook on a low simmer until it gets to the thickness you like. Rolled oats cook quickly and have lots of health benefits.
Tha S Z.
Maybe you could do a sort of meal prep for your hot breakfast? Make the day before and reheat?

Some leftovers from dinner the day before?

Or maybe you can transition into porridge?

Malo Q.
I make eggs in muffin pans. I cook broccoli, turkey sausage, low fat cheese. I line each muffin cup with low fat pillsbury biscuit. I crack an egg in each muffin cup then I add the extra items. I put in the oven for 20 min at 400 degrees. Box when cool and put in fridge. I warm one in the microwave each morning in a bowl for 1 minute. Yum! In New Orleans we have Mardi Gras cups as regular dishware. 😂🤣 this makes warming one and traveling with it easy. Enjoy. Tons of recipes for muffin cup breakfast on Pinterest.
Rudesindo P.
I’ve been doing oatmeal in the mornings due to the ability to enhance it and keep it interesting and the portability of it.

I fix old fashioned oats by microwaving a serving in a measuring cup the night before. I add unsweetened almond milk if I want creamy taste and either ground flax seed or chia seed and then cover it and put it in the fridge over night. By morning, it’s cooked.
I reheat it in the microwave and put it in a wide mouth soup thermos.
For flavor, a half a bannana and some cinnamon and some stevia make the flax meal type taste like banana bread.
Or just cinnamon is good, or a quarter diced apple put in before last heat up. You can also flavor with apple butter or pumpkin butter.

Cathy O.
When you want great breakfast , help your mother or wife who prepare breakfast so that hot breakfast can be made quick….. A healthy breakfast improves your morning work & reduces your focus to take lunch breakfast……which directly improve your focus on your work
Wallace Y.
I am in the same boat. Warm cereal and a shake is all that I have time for during the week. Spoil yourself over the weekend though.
Antonio P.
I'm not a hot breakfast eater. I stick to hardboiled eggs prepped ahead of time. Protein shakes I can take on the go, or overnight oats.
Christian O.
For a quick hot breakfast, try having a chocolate croissant heated in the microwave for 20 seconds
Balance it with tea/coffee and a piece of fruit or smoothie and nuts
Hana P.
Every week I pick a new fruit and I have one with breakfast, nothing fancy just something cheap like an apple or a banana and I pair that with protein muffins and a vitamin rich low sugar juice. The important part is keeping variety, so switching out the carb/protein between breakfast muffins, oatmeal, and complex grains is good. Making sure there’s always a fruit or vegetable element, and a protein element is great. Don’t be afraid of making things ahead of time and heating them up in the microwave. The tasty app by buzzfeed has a lot of really good make-ahead breakfasts and my personal favorites are the overnight oats and breakfast cups. Hope this helped, if you meal plan things get cheaper especially if you cut out as much unplanned spending out as possible
Chlo Z.
I eat a lot of oatmeal from the oven or mug cakes, there pretty quick ans super healthy. The mug cake I make is with 1 banana, 1 egg and about 4 or 5 spoons of oatmeal. For oatmeal out of the oven I use ricemilk, oatmeal, cinnamon, raisins and lots of fruit and then put it in the oven for like 15 minutes on about 200 degrees. Easy, delicious and super healthy!
Melanie P.
I have been preparing a protein shake for breakfast on the go in the morning because I don’t have the time to prepare a hot breakfast. If I am still hungry when I get to work I keep instant oatmeal at my desk for a healthy addition to the shake.
Anthony O.
I personally stick with a fruit of some kind or a protein shake. It definitely makes for a quick and easy meal in the morning. If you're craving something hot, maybe make scrambled or hardboiled eggs the night before and warm them up in the morning, or perhaps make some hot tea. Hope this helps!
Ava Q.
I tend to rely a lot-maybe too much- on fruit+fried egg +toast. Other options are prepped day before: overnight oatmeal, breakfast burrito, gallo pinto, fruit smoothie, etc. Oatmeal with spices, fruit, and honey is pretty good to make first thing too, pour boiling water over everything, cover, and by the time you’re done getting ready it’s cooked
Erol J.
Plan meals ahead of time so you can grocery shop and prepare meals ahead of time. This way you can pop a prepared meal in the microwave for quicker breakfasts without sacrificing nutrition.
Joabe A.
I prefer eating different kind of oats (musli), with raisins, cranberries, chia seeds etc, which i keep in different glass jars so they are really easy and quick to prepare. I use almond or soy milk to mix them which i tend to buy in doses when they are on sale, since they don't get bad like cow milk does if you keep them for days.
Colleen J.
For a hot breakfast Jimmy Dean egg cups you juat microwave them amd they have an egg white option. Or peanut butter toast. For a cold one yogurt amd granola. Although if I prep the night before I almost always have a little time to cook. Energy bars or mixed nuts if I am feeling lazy or running behind.
Naja B.
I've been boiling 8 eggs at a time, and just grabbing one of those and a banana with some peanut butter. Simple staples tht pack in a lot of nutrients work for me. I save hot breakfast for when I have more time and I'm cooking for more than myself.
Lillian P.
I enjoy Keifer and recommend it as a protein packed and nutrient breakfast. It can replace smoothies and is actually quite filling because of the protein. Sometimes I’ll also eat a banana, orange, or carrot if I need something solid in my stomach as well. All these items are quick (no cooking), affordable, and healthy (no added sugars or grains like most breakfast or protein bars).
Mads P.
I usually prefer hot breakfasts too, but I've been switching to refrigerated ones to save time. For example, I prep overnight oats 2-3 days in advance and just grab and go. You can also prep hot food like breakfast burritos and they're freezer friendly.
Asta P.
For me the quick and easy breakfast is fruits , nuts , coconut milk and a big class of green smoothie. What I do every morning is make a green or pink smoothie , the ingredients are really very easy to find – two Bananas make sure you cut them into pieces and a handful of spinach, you can make pink smoothie by adding strawberries instead of spinach and blend them in a blender and your smoothie is ready. For breakfast I just take a bowl and add coconut milk then add some of my favourite fruits and nuts like Bananas , strawberries , pears etc and add some nuts like almonds , cashews and flaxseeds and hemp seeds and yippee my breakfast is ready . Along with this I also take green tea . This is what I do in my mornings to make it healthy.
Mya Q.
For quick, cheap , and healthy I like to turn to raw nuts and fruit. Lately my go-to breakfast is shredded wheat (plain), brown sugar, cinnamon, raisins, and a banana, with almond milk. It keeps me going until lunch with no need for a snack, and I feel great. Good luck in your journey!
Jean Z.
Eggs and oats. These are some of the easier and faster foods to prepare. Oats are fairly straightforward (rolled, you can use steel cut but they take much longer to cook, but they are nutritionally the same), make with milk or water in the microwave and don't over do the sugar if you add any. You can also change up the flavors by adding cinnamon, using honey or brown sugar as a sweetener (or sugar alcohols like erythritol if you're into that), you can also add fruits like berries, bananas or apples, etc. And you can also nuts or even peanut butter haha.
Eggs are fast to prepare but if you like to prep like me, they freeze well. Get a stainless steel ring mold to make egg discs in a skillet/griddle in a large batch (you can add any veggies, spinach or bell pepper are top choices. I'd suggest not adding cheese to the egg as it doesn't freeze as well and just add later). Freeze the egg discs and keep English muffins or bread on hand, then you simply toast the bread and microwave the egg then assemble your breakfast muffin/sandwich. Hope that helps
Diego C.
Oats with a pinch of salt in hot water with banana and honey and your gratitude for this breakfast is enough. That is more than a big hot meal and watch anything that's make YOU happy with it. Everyday that's is prepped for you without and energy waste
Andrew O.
First i start with q big glass of water that I drink then I usually fry or boil egg and have hard bread called "knäckebröd" with it. Knäckebröd has half the carbs of soft bread and alot more fiber. I slice an apple/orange as dessert.
Meral R.
I figured that buying integral cereal like wheat or oats I can eat for a whole week with just 2$. Then I add milk (or yogurt) and cut a banana or just eat it with the other hand. It's cold, but super fast and most of all cheap. Plus, the fruits can always differ and/or the diary product.
Tracey Q.
Hello! One thing that I have started doing is making a breakfast item that can be made for multiple mornings and heated up. I’ve been making egg casseroles (eggs are cheap, and I put spinach and ground beef in it as well). In the mornings I simply cut out a portion of the casserole, heat it in the microwave and I’m good to go!
Matthew E.
I drink Soylent every morning, which is a nutritious meal replacement drink that is WAY healthier than ensure and the like. It tastes great, they have premade and powder versions, and I can get 800 calories down in just a few seconds!
Stanley U.
I don't eat a good or delicious breakfast. I am just trying to avoid harmful meals. Usually I am eating fruits, bread and either eggs or cheese. Unfortunately my time is limited due to my work. So I can't prepare everything to get hot nice breakfast while keeping it healthy.
Herman T.
I do batch cooking. For instance, I prepare in advance advocado mix. In the morning, I just have to grab my gluten-free thin bread and I add my advocado mix. Some other times, I hard boiled eggs in advance. It requires a bit of organization one shot but then I am peaceful for a few mornings. In the mornings, I don’t like either cooking nor waiting. :))
Ilan Z.
I only eat hot breakfast on the weekend but if you have an Aldi's near you they have great organic options for very reasonable prices. I am obsessed with the organic tri-color potato hash brown patties that can heat in the oven while I get morning chores done. Add a quick scrambled egg and you are good to go.
Johanne C.
Breakfast prep in the evening makes for quick warm yummy food in the morning.
You can make mini quiche in a muffin pan, the night before, when you get up to heat water for coffee or tea, turn on the oven, the quiche take 20 – 25 minutes, by the time you are dressed and ready for the day, the quiche are done. Or you can cook the night before are sick in a toaster oven 5 minutes or microwave for a minute. Put what you like in it. Eggs, chevre, tomato, sausage, bacon, spinach, bell pepper, cheddar cheese, onion….lots of variations.
Have a cup of fruit, I love blueberries.
Prep the night before: eggs, cheese, favorite breakfast meat veggies of your choosing like onions bell pepper, and make a breakfast burrito. Takes 5-10 minutes in the morning.
Rachel T.
I make the same breakfast everyday and it takes less than five minutes and keeps me feeling full until lunch. I put kale and avocados and some honey in a blender and drink this very morning
Reingard A.
Not sure I can be of help here. I am on a diet and my breakfasts are pre planned. I do make time for them because I know without eating them I hamper my success. I look at it as a small thing for me. Lastly, because it is planned it is faster. So plan ahead, night before for your healthy breakfast which will cut time and then carve out a bit of time to prepare and enjoy.
Valdemira N.
For me the short mornings when I have to prepare for work I usually cook two eggs for breakfast. Fast and super effective. An apple is also an option for those days when I'm in a rush.

I also prefer planned big breakfasts and that's what the weekends are for. I take my time and come up with ideas as I go and that's what makes cooking fun for me.

Diana T.
I prioritize quick. It's more important that I get in the habit of doing it than anything else. Once I'm used to it, I'll try more complicated breakfasts
Daisy P.
Hi quality porridge sachets are now available and typically take 2 to 3 minutes in microwave and are relatively cheap – in UK £2 to £3 for approx. 8 sachets. A drizzle of maple syrup or some blueberries provides a twist. Eggs (however you like them) are also quickish (esp. scrambled) on wholemeal toast. For a cold healthy breakfast I like curly bran or flakes with some raisins and/or dried cranberries (sometimes dark chocolate coated for a treat to kick-start the day!). A single piece of wholemeal toast with whatever on plus a piece of fruit is also a good quick breakfast.
Alvin Z.
I prepare oat with milk at the evening. Otlats get nice soft and creamy – after wake up its next glass of water. I put it into microwave on 30s and ad fruits and honey. Fast, delisious, easy 🙂
Isabella C.
The key for me is preparation. Make sure you’ve shopped, you can premake somethings, etc.

Have fun with it… but the only way to make sure it happens is it do some prep work and the day before plan it all out.