The one that helps me most is visualizing my work. Our brain works in pictures. It doesn’t understand the word ‘don’t’ or ‘yes or no’, because they don’t have an image attached. Example: ‘Don’t think of the Eiffel Tower!’ What do you see in your mind? I bet it’s the Eiffel Tower. Our brain is so powerful, imagine what you DO want not what you don’t because you will get more of what you picture. To get back to your question, picture what it will look like when it’s done. Break down the steps in your head first and start. Just focus on the first step, not the whole thing just the first step, then think of the next step hopefully in picture. Keep your brain occupied with what’s next vs the tabs that randomly open.
Second solution: have a clean (clutter free) environment, tackle one thing and have a note pad next to you. As soon as a tab opens, write it down and get back to your task. I use both solutions in my office. I have one pile (I have more) that I tackle and just that one pile. Otherwise it can get too overwhelming.
I hope that helps or at least gives you some ideas.
Regarding wandering mind, try to accept it as it‘s normal, in particular when you have to do sth that is not very captivating. Write your distractions down in a notebook and get back to it after youve done your work for at least 30m
What's worked for me is pomodoro timers. It gives me enough pressure to get the thing done (or a part of it) in 25 mins. And then you're free to take a well earned (minor) break.
good luck fabulous.
It brings some of the focus off how frustrated I am with getting distracted, and focused more on what I’m looking forward to on my break.
This method works really well with the pomodoro technique. Every 25 minutes i have a 5 minute break. Which is perfect to do all the little things I wrote down. Then 5 minutes later my alarm goes of again, and if I didn't finish all of the things I wanted to do they'll have to wait until the next break.
I also have very specific time for doing things like checking my email. It's 5 minutes at the start and end of my sessions, and if at that time I notice that there's emails there that warrant more attention, I specifically designate a 25 minute block to answer them. Any emails that aren't worth a block and cannot be handled in the 5 minutes can be left until after I'm done working. It's a great way to check with yourself if the email really is worth your attention.
1- do it in short bursts. Give yourself many breaks(this only works if you stay truly focused when you are not taking a short break)
2-Set a firm goal and take a break when you reach it
3-Give yourself a reward when you finish something like a piece of candy/chocolate or something
First of all you have to stay disciplined and give yourself a challenge to stay focused for a specific amount of time without being distracted.
Secondly you can also use a app or website blocker.if you are on Android there are many apps available.For pc cold turkey blocker is what I personally used when I used to get distracted by youtube.I also installed a extention-unhook to block youtube recommendations and use it only for study.You can block specific distracting websites and allow only useful websites.I only used it for a month and now am I completely fine and can restrict myself from distractions
After all motivation should and will come from Inside and I wish you best of luck for future.
Hope it helps😁