Elliot Q.
It really depends on the person I guess. Some people go about their day slower, and if it moves too fast then they lose motivation to keep going. Some people like the fast pace, it gives them drive and purpose to keep going. The tricky thing here is how can everyone be consistent. It’s hard on somedays if you don’t like what the day has in store for you. But like my friend tells me, “at the end of the day, it’s night.” While this is meant to be a joke, some thoughts come with it. Do you want to go through your day unfulfilled? Just to be let down when the night falls? You only live so long, don’t waste it doing nothing or stuff that harms you. If you have a schedule then you can be fulfilled in your day to day life. That drive of fulfillment helps the consistency in anything you do. Do what will mae you truley happy in the end. A healthy lifestyle. That thought alone should help you be consistent. If not, then find your groove. Find what motivates you, and if you can’t, you’re not looking hard enough. It’s a long, slow, painful process, but in the end it’s so worth it. YOU are worth it. So get up out of bed, or the couch, and do something. Create something. Use those hands for good. Idle hands are the devil’s play thing, I know from experience. Your life has just begun. This is the beginning. So go, do something beautiful. That’s something to celebrate.