Lusanda N.
I would say the best thing is to have a to do list for the day, have exercise as one. Having it written down should help you or encourage you to complete it. Also find a workout plan, you can check out lily sabri, growwithjo & growingannanas. They offer free workout plans you can follow. Cause less frustration on what to do with working out and will tell you when to rest or workout. Also you can tell a friend that you need someone to hold you accountable to your goal of working out consistently, even through they are not working out with you. They will just check in on you to see if you are consistent or if you reaching your desired goal. I hope this helps 💕
Sheree N.
One way that you can stay consistent without having a partner is, you can add your day and time that you would like to exercise into your phone and set an alarm and maybe this will help you to include it into your daily routine and maybe this will motivate you to follow through with the exercise without having a partner