Daphne Q.
I can slow down, and take a breath. Breakfast is important, but if I am feeling rushed, I can always grab a granola bar!
Kangaroo N.
If the problem is that you ARE in a rush, then you must prepare things in advance or wake up earlier, so that you have enough time in the morning. If the problem is that you FEEL rushed and anxious, then you have to release that fear. I recommend a letting go meditation on youtube (specifically the channel Emotional Mastery). I used to feel nauseous if I tried to eat in the morning. For years. It was simply because I was anxious. Now I actually work up the appetite and really enjoy breakfast.
Jesse T.
Prepare everything you need the night before. If you want to eat oatmeal, place a bowl and the oatmeal on the counter the night before. Or prepare a grab and go type of breakfast (overnight oats, egg bites etc) the night or the weekend before.
Adelinde O.
You could prepare it the night before ie a bircher muesli. It's a type of muesli that sits overnight and its even more tasty then. Google recipes using keywords like "bircher muesli recipe overnight" it is very tasty and healthy.
Em Lia S.
I would not cook anything in this case where as i would try to eat some serial with milk. If not bread tost with some scrambled eggs is a good choice.
Anna O.
You could try those overnight oats you prepare the evening before and just eat it in the morning. Or prepare a sandwich with lots of veggies on the side the night before. If you dont have the option to do these things, maybe try some protein shakes? Just mix them with milk/water and you are good to go
Jacqueline O.
Fritar um ovo e pegar um copo de leite ou café, ou comprar barrinhas de cereais e deixá-las prontas pra uso nessas ocasiões.
The Rose Ghost N.
Well the best way to do this would be to try to prepare something the night before, something simple so it doesn’t seem so hard to do or take too much time. Good luck on your journey!