Lydia Z.
De fine your limits. There is only so much time to do those things, so start small and find out how much is possible doing a day
Eperke X.
Have it in a place that is in your line of sight so you are reminded of it. If you think of anything else wrote that down too. Just try your best to stick to it and after a while it should get ingrained as a habit.
Elias C.
Manage your expectations & set tasks according to realistic time frames. Break down tasks that will take longer into shorter action items on your to-do list. Remember, slow progress beats no progress. As long as you aren’t procrastinating or not at risk for missing an important deadline break tasks down or push them out to a later to-do list that is not too close to the due date. You got this!
Charline G.
Consider and understand why I want what I want in the long run. And know that there are no huge leaps straight to the end. It takes regular and considered baby steps to work towards an end destination
Valentine Z.
It's easy to give yourself a to do list, but it's also easy to put things off or ignore it entirely.
So I create digital to do lists all on one document, that way I can copy what I didn't complete and possibly add to it for the next day. This process (along with highlighting completed and highlighting missed tasks) gives you a good sense of what you're procrastinating.
When things really build up and you begin to feel the burden. The trick is giving yourself deadlines. I got to the point where I have a timeline for the next 4 months. So I get through daily tasks as quick as possible and grind away at the tasks due this week, then try to get a headstart on the next week.
Tommy T.
The first step is figuring out why you aren't able to stick to your to-dos. Is it a specific kind of task you have trouble with repeatedly? Or perhaps you write the list down and then the whole day is spent on Netflix (we've all been there). Or maybe you write the list, start a task with your best intentions, and
then get sidetracked as one thing leads to another. Once you recognise the problem, you can start to build solutions for it.
For example, if getting started is a problem, take the simplest or the more important/urgent task and break it down. Start with the smallest possible part. Work on it for a half hour. Or 5 minutes. Or 2. You want to accomplish something. Quantity doesn't matter at this point. If instead it is a specific kind of task you have trouble with, figure out why and find a solution to that. If you have trouble keeping time, give every task a duration and use a physical timer that is not your phone. Once the duration is over, you move on to the next task, even if the current task isn't finished. Over time your mind will learn that if it doesn't do the thing in the given time, the thing doesn't get done.
Lastly, examine the way you measure success. Finishing 100% of your list every day is not a realistic measure of success and it will leave you feeling demotivated. If you were able to do 40 or 60%, that is good enough! No one gets all their tasks done everyday.
And remember that success begets motivation.
then get sidetracked as one thing leads to another. Once you recognise the problem, you can start to build solutions for it.
For example, if getting started is a problem, take the simplest or the more important/urgent task and break it down. Start with the smallest possible part. Work on it for a half hour. Or 5 minutes. Or 2. You want to accomplish something. Quantity doesn't matter at this point. If instead it is a specific kind of task you have trouble with, figure out why and find a solution to that. If you have trouble keeping time, give every task a duration and use a physical timer that is not your phone. Once the duration is over, you move on to the next task, even if the current task isn't finished. Over time your mind will learn that if it doesn't do the thing in the given time, the thing doesn't get done.
Lastly, examine the way you measure success. Finishing 100% of your list every day is not a realistic measure of success and it will leave you feeling demotivated. If you were able to do 40 or 60%, that is good enough! No one gets all their tasks done everyday.
And remember that success begets motivation.
Janet F.
Start your morning with a lengthy To Do list. Then, widdle it to three itemsof maximum priority. Revisit it during your day, i.e. after lunch. Learn about Deep Work. Block distractions by writing down interruptions and focus on your To Do list above all else.
Manny N.
Have them in multiple places. I personally have my to do lists in three different spots: 1)desk 2)agenda/planner 3) cellphone… it sounds a little overwhelming but trust me seeing your to do list in multiple places keeps you to stay on track.
Bob C.
Your app is so simple that it's even primitive. At the same time it has so many little annoying things. It has those childish motivational quotes after each routine check. It has those sounds/ videos/ back to 90ies pics when you're about to check the habit (like why?). When I enter app – I want to see my habits/goals at the top of the page – not adds, not your questions, not motivational quotes-pictures (thanks, I have Instagram for that). The way you congratulate on a progress is so childish that it's even humiliating (unless you're five). In general, maybe the problem is me. I wanted an easy to use goals-checking-progress app with no bullshit- not a pre-adult app that talks to you as if the only thing that can motivate you is a teacher-mommy-style quotes and praise.
Asta Z.
Start off small and don’t overload yourself. We aren’t superhuman so don’t try to do everything in one day, break it up into realistic steps. Plan out your whole week and adjust as needed, sometimes you’ll get more done than expected and other times less. Mark each ones priority level and always do the highest priority items first even if they’re not fun because getting those done and nothing else will still leave you feeling accomplished vs if you only do a couple low priority things and everything else is still there at the end of the day.
Yann T.
Make your to do list attainable. You will feel better fully completing a shorter list than you will failing to complete a long one. Also, think about including small things that would probably get done, even if they aren’t on the list. This gives you more things to check off and more opportunities to feel successful.
Юлия Харизова N.
Составляю свой to do list утром, как только прихожу на работу. Это позволяет ничего не забыть и распланировать свой день более эффективно.
Eleonora E.
I usually use Trello. I divided the boards in 3 macro areas of my life and every day I move the tasks in a 4th board named ‘Today Priority’