How can flossing “save your life” as the prompt on the screen mentions?

Gail J.
Flossing prevents food from building up between the teeth. If food and bacteria are allowed to sit long enough, they can infect the tooth which can lead to a host of health problems including abscesses, pain and in rare cases, death resulting from complications.
Thorsten O.
Your mouth is the gate way to the rest of your body. Bacteria and acids left uncleaned can get in to your bloodstream and damage your heart. It’s simple. Brush and floss for a healthier life!
Lisandro T.
According to the American Heart Association, patients with gum disease have a 2.6 times greater risk for heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. … Flossing can save your life!
Diane T.
It can ensure you reduce cavities and keep a brilliant smile. It can save you from tonsof root canals, dental abcessess, peridonitis and having to pay a ton of money on dental implants.
Elias Q.
Validated, Replicated research has shown the gums and teeth are closely related to the heart. Many are unaware that abscesses can grow beyond the tooth system and spread into cardiac. It can. Plaque build up on teeth may be tied into plaque buildup in the arteries. Peritonitis has a direct relation to heart disease so it is vitally important to make dental care an important priority beginning with flossing.
Al Pio E.
Flossing helps remove food and bacteria from your gums and in between your teeth. Having food between your teeth can cause cavities and gum disease and if left untreated without flossing, can lead to loss of teeth and poisoning your blood.
Divin Ia I.
Over time food bits pile up in the tiny space along the gum line and teeth, trap bacteria, and over time they produce all sorts of nasty things that erode your enamel and eventually the bone around the teeth. When this happens, bacteria can get into the bloodstream and go to different organs like the heart and kidneys. This process takes years, but could potentially shorten lifespan as well as quality of life