For musicians and artists: How do you balance work on your artistic practice with all the business stuff that goes with it?

Erotildes Z.
I'm a lawyer as well as showjumper. For me it's difficult to be full of energy after work and go practice – I was at 5 am with 2 horses and then heading to work from 10 am to … 11 pm! It was too much and now I just can't. It was a mistake. I was always tired.
Dilce Q.
I have become more organized. I take out my receipts everyday and mark them for business or other. Google Timeline, keeps track of my traveling. I set aside the one evening a month to do my admin. The rest I concentrate just on my painting. Exhibitions I plan from back to front to create a Timeline to know when what has to be done.
Rosi O.
Reserve business work for deep work. Then I use artistic work time as a reward or a celebration of what I’ve accomplished😊