I was recently diagnosed with situational anxiety and depression, because life. And it's a huge pill to swallow, but I make my bed, and if that's the only thing I get done, at least I did that.
Don't feel guilty!!! Causes worry lines and stress marks. You're wonderful the way you are. Self doubt is destructive, and you're worth so much more than what that guilt is telling you.
Try telling yourself that you just have to do one thing each day, or one bit of a thing, and consider that being productive since you’ll have made some progress. If you’re currently doing nothing then that’ll be an improvement, but if you’re currently doing lots of things but still considering yourself unproductive, you might also want to be less hard on yourself, and focus more on what you are doing than what you’re not doing. That is, instead of saying “I only did x today, so I wasted the whole day”, you could try “I did x today, so that’s an accomplishment!” or “at least I did x today, so I didn’t waste the whole day”, even if x is something small like 5 minutes of exercise, or even just getting out of bed, depending on how difficult you’re currently finding things.
Also motivation videos help me out!
knowing about your responds when you have some thing to do but youre not doing it right is so imp. for exmple I watch 2 seasons of a series when i dont want to do my work but when i be conscious about my behavior , in the next time i put my phone in thrive mode and hide my comp .you should know your respond and think about problem solving specificly for you .
and just think about that all youre going to do is just for yourself anf your future and no one should make you to do something .
and sometimes the depression is good for some choices.
Getting depressed/down on yourself for not being as productive as you think you should be is a defeatist attitude. At the end of each day, list what you accomplished/finished, no matter how small. You did so much more than you realized. Even if all you did was get out of bed, you did something.
I was recently diagnosed with situational anxiety and depression. I've never been so down, but I remind myself: you fed the cats. You washed your hair. You held meetings. You didn't give up.
You. Didn't. Give. Up.
Remember that
Another thing was that for me, my biggest time waster was social media. Recently, I found a way to block certain apps on my phone during certain times of the day. I’m not sure if other phones outside of Apple have this time limit thing, but it greatly helped me! Now, sometimes I don’t even need it, I’ve just broke out of the habit of using it as a distraction. Although my problems and solutions may not relateto yours as I’m merely a high school student, I hoped it help you think of some new ideas
You can make it!
Bring your standards down to what is appropriate for you right now.
For instance, just plan one task for the next day.
Complete it and celebrate it. Do this until you start feeling accomplishment instead of dread. Stop focusing on what you have not done and focus on what you ARE able to do no matter how minor and celebrate the fact you were able to finish a task you set for yourself.
Start doing work in more organized way
Don't think of doing another work unless you finish the one that you are doing it
Choose one thing to commit to getting done each morning. Then, set a timer for 15 minutes and work on it. After the timer goes off, stop!
Have a cup of tea or reward yourself nicely.
Do you need another 15 minute timer to complete the task? If so, change your goal – it was too ambitious for the first day. You have achieved productivity on the first day!
On later days you can do more than one timer, but remain aware of how much you need to break up the task into smaller bits that will fit into your timer session.
Don't tell yourself you have failed because you've not achieved a big task. Consider each step a productive victory.
One small thing I'd like to share. When you feel depressed, do the victory breath. I'll teach you how, it's not hard.
Breathe in normally, then hold your breath and repeat "vic-tor-y" mentally. Mentally creating the 3 separate sounds should take 3-4 seconds, no more or less. The breath should not be exaggerated to the extent that anyone would notice. You can repeat it multiple times until you feel relief, usually 3-5 minutes does the job for me.
Good luck!
In the morning plan on how you will thank yourself and reward yourself when you have accomplished one of your neccessary tasks.
Also tell yourself you are doing these task not just because you "should" but because you know you will enjoy the result. You are working for your own pleasure and happiness. It's all about attitude.
Best wishes.