Does it help to set goals or build habits?

Alan B.
Not necessarily. Just by setting goals you won't be able to build habits. For me, discharging the stress was helpful as the first step. Then I started setting goals again.
Tukka Z.
Yes, it does help me. I have trouble getting up in the morning and throughout the day. And with a lot of other stuff. And this app has really helped me. With brushing my teeth, getting ready, and much more. Hope this helps!
Tukka Z.
I guess seting goals is what you need to build an habit, with new habitsthere is a new and better you, even more Fabulous lol
Rachael N.
Yes. By incorporating small habits slowly, at the end of your journey, all your habits will start to feel natural to you, without reminders or encouraging messages. They will have a positive impact on your day-to-day mood and productivity, I feel like.
Tukka Z.
I personally think it helps to build habits that change your daily life over time to what you want it to be, rather than goals that end once they’re accomplished and often times leave you back where you started.
Tukka Z.
Yes, although the person may deviate from time to time, what matters they're determined to achieve their goals by the end of the day.
Tukka Z.
I think it does because by doing so, you can achieve your dreams. Setting small goals for yourself can lead up to something big. And building healthy habits is a great way to take care of yourself.
Tukka Z.
Yes when you feel committed you are more motivated than when there's no checklist for you to know whether you are on the track or not
Tukka Z.
Yes it helps because when setting your goals it's going to be clear for you to know what you're supposed to do to achieve this goal. And by building habits as well. You write down what you like so you know what habit best suit fo you. Or write down what habits you need to do to achieve this goal. For example, you want to get fit (goal) to get fit I need to drink more water, eat healthy food, workout (habits). Then write when and how you will do it. Hope it's clear 🙂
Tukka Z.
I think its helpful to set goals because then you know what you want to achieve and you know what you're going to become in the future, and if one thing doesn't work out, you don't have to change the goal, just the way you get there.
Rachael N.
It helps to both set goals and build habits. By setting goals your always working towards and looking into the future at the higher level. Building habits allows your life to run smoothly when working towards these goals. Having standard daily practices to build off and aiming for higher levels raises your standard daily habits making your life continually progressive and challenging.
Tukka Z.
To be honest I think both. I’ve been trying for a loooong time to create some good habits for myself and I dont want this to sound like what you see on social media “Oh this will work 100%” but this app really helped me.
Tukka Z.
Yes although it is hard to maintain so far but im doing that step by step so i can always manage to do the things that i practice and set a system for myself
Tukka Z.
Setting goals or building habits does help me become a better version of myself, I found myself lately more willing to get up and go for a walk early in the morning having some fresh air
Tukka Z.
Yes, when you set goals you are beginning your journey to become a better version of yourself. Building these goals into habits will help secure this new version of yourself, like putting a lock on the door. You are the only one with the key. This key is used to start and stop your habits. If you use this key wisely you can do anything.
Tukka Z.
It definitely helps to set goals and/or build habits (if they’re healthy) because it motivates me and makes me more organized! I love being organized. It also makes me feel accomplished, happy, and proud of myself