What are best exercises if you are pregnant?

Lauren U.
Most exercises are great during pregnancy as long as you have already been doing them pre-pregnancy. One of the exceptions is crunches, bicycles, etc. as they place too much outward pressure on the connective tissue between your abs.
Axel Y.
I honestly do not know. I've never been pregnant, but I would think yoga because it teaches breathing and helps with relaxation.
Ana I.
IDK for sure. Never been pregnant and don't plan to be, but if I had to guess, maybe stretches and upper body strength building with weights
Hanna E.
I don’t know a lot about this, but I do know there are yoga classes for mothers to be. I would recommend checking out reputable books and websites on the subject.
Alexander P.
You can do push ups on the wall, or you can do some squats. If possible you can also take a folding chair and do some dips
Hans Theo X.
you can exercises the same way you did patio to being pregnant as long as you were active before. but here are a few that I did with all my 4 children . walk walk walk its is going to kept unwanted stress at bay you are going to be running a merathone come the end of your pregnancy . I did alot of medication and humming also trying doing any passions that let you rest on the floor
Yolanda R.
Low impact exercise that doesn’t make you dizzy or short of breath. Anything in the water is nice. Prenatal yoga is good, especially goddess and garland poses. Work with a teacher who knows how to modify for pregnant people. Yoga will also help you work with your breathing and your focus, both of which will be useful during labor.
Lance Z.
Check with your provider for any limitations. If all clear, search YouTube for pregnant exercise or pregnant yoga for programs that are geared toward your needs.
Marius W.
Yoga worked very well for me. Anything that stretches the muscle groups in the legs and hips. Staying loose and stretched throughout pregnancy also helps the aches and pains that accompany hormone fluctuations.
Kegels are also best started early and done consistently. There are some great apps that have kegel routines to prepare you.
Jimmie Z.
I looked up prenatal yoga on YouTube and used one of those. Obviously some that approved by your dr or midwife. You should also relieve a list of exercises that will improve birth for you.