Do you have smoothies for breakfast? Any recipes to share?

Gal T.
I don't. On one hand it seems really simple and straight forward, but I hear a lot of things are lost when grinding down the ingredients compared to eating them whole. However for me it's just about the amount of noise good processors make in the morning — way too much [for me!]
Do what works for you 🙂
Lara N.
I like centrifuges in the morning and I use to mix it with drinking yogurt, I hope it will like you, I had it this morning
Mar Lia Z.
Not for breakfast, but plenty for lunch! I find that putting greens like spinach and kale really helps with getting iron into me.
Karen F.
I love to make smoothies with frozen forest fruits and milk. I love forest fruits and they are my favorites for making smoothies. Simple and tasty.