Do you folks have tips on dealing with the temptations of living in a family that still prescribed to the Non-Fabulous breakfast habits? Eating an egg, yoghurt and oatmeal is way harder for me if across the table somebody is munching on something… less nutritious.

Jonah F.
I think that the core of it is the small step process. I guess it depends on what the somebody across the table is in the relationship and what the less nutritious thing is. I have breakfast with family so I can be more frank or free spoken than if it was with just roommates. Is it a donut? Well, I just concentrate on what is on my plate first, let me finish my breakfast, then I remind myself how I felt to eat all that sugar… And if that doesn't work then I ask the person if they are willing to share a bite. This way I get a taste without dragging out a whole item I feel like I have to finish. That is working for me. When it is less blatant, my wife wants pancakes for breakfast, I offer to do the cooking, then I add nutrition to the cakes I put whole grains and nuts into the batter and use no sugar added fruit spreads for topping. Don't know if this helps but it is what I do.