Do you have any good make-in-advance breakfast recipes?

Gerold F.
I usually have avocado already cut up or already out of the peeling ready to be spread, I quickly cut up cherry tomatoes while my toast is being made and in the middle of that I have and egg frying. Then I just put everything on toast. It only takes about 20 minutes to do everything. Cooking and eating.
Silje E.
Na verdade não. Geralmente é o mesmo de sempre. A maioria das vezes comemos ovo no nosso café da manhã. Eu bebo café separado do leite hauauauau, e sempre antes de começar o café bebo água, yup. Quero começar a ter o hábito de incluir fruta no meu café, mas por enquanto não é prioridade.
Gail E.
simple, i eat my favourite things.. some of them are most likely not the ones that need to cook and put your effort and time in it, as an example, noodles are my top 1 that i can’t say no to it when i wanna eat it, it’s not hard to cook nor to put the effort and so much time in it
Lucas P.
Frittata – to be done the night after or in the weekend and freeze it. Adding any kind of vegetables you have in the fridge + special food (bacon cubes example) or whatever you like
Jasper E.
Eggs sunny side up and coffee or tea or any refreshing juice normally does the trick. You could cut veggies during dinner and reuse them.