Gail U.
No I do not I find it simpler and faster to do it before. I was taught to do it that way from the day I started to brush my teeth also I just started to use toothpaste before I used plain old water and it's never been a problem but I just started it's going well 😁
Glen T.
After ! Brushing loosens the big stuff and a good strong rinse after primes up to get in deep with the floss. After flossing, I use a water pick and finish with an antibacterial rinse
Sebastian A.
I floss before I brush, and this is the first time I’m giving it thought. My logic is that I wash away all ‘debris’ by brushing after.
I’ve just googled this and it seems people are divided – the benefit of flossing after and before you rinse is to get toothpaste between your teeth.
I’ve just googled this and it seems people are divided – the benefit of flossing after and before you rinse is to get toothpaste between your teeth.
Rebeca S.
Before I brush. It’s like it cleans out the spaces between my teeth so the bristles are able to get between them better and do some additional cleaning.
Hans Rainer F.
I floss before I brush. This is what my dentist and hygienist recommended. It gets things loose to be cleaned out when you brush.
Billie S.
Beforehand. Flossing removes and loosens any bits in the teeth; the brushing afterwards is a refreshing cleanse. I also use a very soft brush, as the point of cleaning your teeth is to massage and stimulate the gums. Brushing too hard or with hard bristles can, over time, damage the tooth enamel and the gums.