I guess long term effects aren't what you focus on, but just know that exercise contributes to prevention of a whole bunch of deseases and illnesses that you really don't want later on in life.
How can you exercise at home? Well, there is many ways to do this. The most important thing is that you find something that suits you! Exercise comes in many forms and anything is better than nothing!
I for instance can have fun dancing with my daughter to just dance on Nintendo Switch, I bet there are other physical games available as well.
You can also find instructional videos on YouTube for different kinds of activities, like yoga, calisthenics, Pilates, juggling, acrobatics, well just about anything I guess. Pinterest also has a lot of ideas to explore!
Recommended time you should be active each day is 30 minutes, and anything that makes you sweat or challenge you body in some way counts. Even cleaning the house!
Good luck finding a routine that works for you!
Best regards
Linn, a booring mom from Norway 😉
Good luck on all you do.
There's a lot you can do at home you can check YouTube theres alot of video's that shows what you can do at home or look for an app the built you a plan
Also i would recommend you to ask help and permission from your perents before you try or committee to anything because it also could be harmful if you do something the wrong way or the plan you chose just isn't right for you