Mathilde C.
Yes. It will release chemicals in your body and you will feel energetic and positive. A happy body will keep diseases away and you will be healthy in the long run.
Larry T.
Ofcourse yes. Combine different types of exercise like start with sun salutations or suryanamaskar, then some cardio and cool down with some yoga. I used to be obese but now without any gyming ever, I have lost around 10kg. Ofcourse you need to increase the intensity of your workout or change the movements involved as you get fitter and your body gets used to one particular exercise. Mix-match and combine. What is important is to just get started and be consistent. I have been using fabulous for around 3 years and I already told you my results. Try changing your exercise routine every month. This will help maximize your gain. I sleep better, stay more energized, get more work done in a day and think positively as a result of this fitter version of me. It's the little choices you make in your daily life that has a big impact later on when you realised how far you came from what you were! Have the morning routine started then!
Aubin T.
Yeah definitely. And you shouldn’t feel disappointed if you don’t notice change as fast as you’d like. I kept having to remind myself of that. I’ve been exercising for a month and there isn’t really a difference when I stand on the scale yet, but I know my body needs time to adjust before it can start burning more. I’m still continuing to exercise and I definitely feel healthier and stronger each time.
Jacob O.
Beweging beats geen beweging. En wat ik nu heb gemerkt creëert het elke dag er bewust mee bezig zijn al heel veel voor me.
En morgen ben ik fitter dan vandaag, haal ik meer uit mijn routine en dan ik er overmorgen weer een stapje bij doen 🙂
Nina C.
I enjoy having long runs for mental and physical health. 10min is fine. But what is the goal. If your goal to to run a half marathon and each week you will build up to reach 30min, then you are on the right path to a healthy body and achieving your goal
Miroslaw Z.
I'm not an expert on this but I work out at least 10 minutes a day because it makes me feel good physically and emotionally. Sometimes I get lazy and break this routine and I do notice a difference. Some easy ways to do some quick exercise are 1) dancing after coming home from work – maybe cooking or cleaning at the same time or 2) do a quick workout video such as fitnessblender.
Simon U.
I think if the 10 minutes is part of a healthy routine, and the type of exercise is high quality, then it can be the foundation of a healthy body.
G Nter R.
Yes I think so as it becomes a normal practice. That way when you have more energy or feel motivated you can do 30 minutes or even an hour, but on the days that don’t feel motivating then at least it’s in your routine to do 10 minutes
Lester S.
Určitě ano, protože to už dělá celých 70 min za týden. To je pořád lepší než nic. Ale hlavně vytváří se dost dobrý návyk. Pak to nebude tak náročné udržovat ho celoživotně. Zvyk z toho úkolu dělá snadný úkol, protože se provádí automaticky téměř bez vynaložení úsilí na to jo začít. To se totiž děje automaticky.
Britney C.
Yes. By doing exercise your body releases chemicals which makes you productive and super active, relieves stress and makes you happy. This spills on to your other areas of your life and will result in improved health
Lucas N.
Ik heb altijd al gesport, doe dit 3 keer per week. Voor 2 uur en om de dag rust voor spier herstel. De ochtend dans heeft een strets en pusupp erbij gekregen
Joanne F.
Difinetely! But the main thing that impressed me is the impact it has on my whole day. I already feel more energised and happy.
Zulma Z.
I’m not sure if only 10 mins a day really results in a healthy body in the long run because I know diet and a healthy mind also result in healthy bodies. What I can say is that I do see a difference in my energy when I exercise every morning. I see that I am in a better mood, I smoke less, I enjoy my healthy food more and over all I have more energy. I can’t say that this alone is the reason for it but it’s a big help.
Ewa U.
In the long run absolutely. Especially when I do so first thing in the morning I feel so much more motivated the rest of the day. Also you can get a great workout in in only 10 minutes
Mathilde Z.
Yes because the more I exercise consistently, the more I want to eat healthier. Both will positively help my body by working together. And I will get stronger.