Mayar R.
Start off slowly then you’ll get there eventually. Add 1 extra minute each week until you get to 7 mins. Then continue with 7 mins until it feels easy
Mayar R.
Be aware of the negative things you tell yourself. You are not an "absolute weakling" you just have a different start point to your journey. Focus on what you CAN do, make adjustments to make what is difficult easier, and don't feel bad for dropping the things that feel overwhelming right now in favour of smaller more manageable steps.
Remember every programme like this is designed for a broad audience, and just because you don't fit perfectly into that group doesn't mean you are bad, or failing. Just identify the steps you need to take to get from where you are, to where you want to be, and take them one at a time.
Lucille C.
Idk why but when y'all said "
As an absolute weakling who can't keep up with the basic fabulous 7 minute routine " It kind sounded offensive. Also, idk how I start getting better. (Note:I'm just a bit stupid so don't take anything I say seriously. I love y'all)
As an absolute weakling who can't keep up with the basic fabulous 7 minute routine " It kind sounded offensive. Also, idk how I start getting better. (Note:I'm just a bit stupid so don't take anything I say seriously. I love y'all)
Mayar R.
I find a point to run to, a tree, gate, lamp post etc. Don't look down, look at the point. Once that point has been met (I usually feel like giving up) say to myself out loud "keep going, to the next point".
Mayar R.
I started by finding my limit(s) and pushing them a little bit harder each day. If you dont want to push them harder each day, you can push them harder each week, remember to move at your own pace.
Mayar R.
My problem was my mental breakdowns and it prevent me from doing things i liked and made me happy.
With this app i started to do a very small thing like drinking water and it made me belive that i can be productive and happy once again if i wanted to.
With this app i started to do a very small thing like drinking water and it made me belive that i can be productive and happy once again if i wanted to.
Mayar R.
I did that by committing to the challenge by thinking that whatsoever happened, I have to complete my routine provided by fabulous