What’s your favourite morning exercise?

Autumn U.
I'm a huge fan of yoga, and I have been doing it on and off for about 10 years. I've been focusing on doing 1-3 sun salutations every morning, instead of focusing on how much time I spend. Focusing on the poses helps me look forward to yoga, instead dreading the amount of time I have to spend in the morning.
Kate J.
Going for a long walk. The fresh air, the sunshine, the movement. Taking slow breaths to see what’s new in my neighbourhood. I always feel so much better if I start my day off with a long walk.
Xan P.
Light stretching is a majority of it, I try to spend 10-15 minutes doing that followed by 5 minutes of cardio on rowing machine
Leslie N.
Ten minute yoga, i use the morning routine on Yoga with Kassandra’s channel on YouTube. It not rigorous but it stretches the muscles and loosens you up for the day
Urien P.
I like to do this Daily 7 exercise on an app called 7M Women. It's quick and easy for me to do. Every day is a new set of 14 exercises that you do for 30 seconds each. It's a good start. Obviously, I'd like to dedicate more time later on, but looking for something I can do at home quickly each morning without buying a bunch of equipment, the app was perfect… And free!
Vanessa Y.
Me personally I like to so my yoga and physio stretches first thing and then after breakfast I do a quick core strengthening.
Adolf X.
I wake up at 5, so really working out can't really be done. So I dance wile I prepare myself. While making breakfast, while packing my stuff and even while putting on clothes
Gina Z.
I love to stretch! That's the first thing I like to do. There a lot of good 5 min routines for stretching. I insist on doing this to warm up the spine and keep it limber.

Then I like jogging. Not really running, but enjoying feeling each step. Running is a different thing altogether and, although I like it, too, I prefer jogging.

If I could do it, I would play tennis is the morning. It's a bit intense, but it certainly means your day is on its way!

Sophie J.
Just started the 7 minute routine. My mornings are too short to do something longer. This one fits perfectly with my schedule.