Anyone noticing improvement with how their teeth feel?

Mi Mi O.
Honestly, I floss twice a day most days (I have small gaps in my teeth and I lost my last baby tooth at twenty seven. I’m thirty now) But I did buy an electric toothbrush. That has been very very helpful. Highly recommend doing that to anyone who is getting on the brushing and flossing more than a couple times a day.
Milton E.
Yes, my teeth feel better. I’m more aware of my bad breath because of the masks that I’ve been wearing. I am preparing my teeth for the dentist appointment that I have next week. Want to show off my teeth.

Next step: bleaching.

Albus Q.
I feel clean now that I floss once and brush twice a day. I used to go a long time without brushing, but now I feel like I have to but in a good, fulfilling way. It makes me feel proud after I finish all my routines.