Actually, yes and no.
Flossing alone is not that effective. flossing is really effective when it is mixed with brushing teeth, with a good tooth paste, and Mouth wash.
When we eat, very small food particles stuck inbetween our teeth and gums, and in interdental spaces. These particles make a very good medium for the bacteria to grow. Thus these particles help (bacterias) in decaying our very sweet n powerful n lovely teeth. What else they do is also very important. These food particles get stick in between the teeth and gums, and thus cause inflammation of that part. This is the main reason many times of toothache. Also, these food particles decay and cause bad breath.
Flossing, actually, takes away these small food particles from the interdental area. The food particles and the bacteria in the area of gums are not dealt by the flossing. For that we need to brush the teeth and to kill the remaining bacteria and keep the inflammation away, we need to wash our mouth with good mouth wash.
Go to a dentist, and make sure you floss everyday. If you dont floss, I think it takes a few days for the gunk to become solid.
Good luck!
Personally, I floss because my gums bleed less and less the more consistently I do it so I’ll continue to do it daily.
Since I've begun flossing every night, I have noticed my breath is better and my teeth and gums look and FEEL healthier. It helps to start by using the disposable flossers that you can get at the store. They are easier to use and a great way to develop the habit.