Any suggestions about separating work and personal daily tasks? And do you have any suggestions about how to get things done at work, “leave work at work”, and not be tired when I get home?

Gretchen U.
Close the door on the office. Don’t bring the computer out of the office. Get immersed back into the family by having a laugh and asking the kids about their day. Stopping to really listen.
Clara T.
To separate work and personal daily tasks I usually leave that to time. When I’m at work, I’m working. When I’m at home, I have the opportunity to accomplish any daily task that needs to be done. If you need to do paper work afterwards, try to stay at work until it’s done (and give yourself a time limit if it’s a large amount).

It can be difficult for me to “leave work at work.” First, try to figure out why you bring work home. What’s affecting you at your job that ‘needs’ to be brought home? Why does work have such an effect on your mind?

Personally, I try not to let my happiness be controlled by worldly things. Sometimes things go wrong at work (or in life) that will effect you. But it’s up to you to decide how much.

You have to separate your purpose and meaning from your job. It does not define you and it cannot take control of your life. Something at work may be out of your control that is bothering you— take a breath and realize that you can only do your part in this world. The job might even be emotionally pervading, but it still does not decide your mood. You have to change your mindset so you don’t let it become obsessive.

Try to be present at all moments. When at work, don’t think about wanting to be home. When at home, don’t think about not wanting to be at work. Simply focus on those around you try to be truly present for them.

There’s always something that we can be worried/stressed about. It’s important to choose to place your joy in something less frivolous… something you know can never fail you.

And if you really need help changing your mindset, there is no harm in seeking help from a professional, whether it be psychological, spiritual or therapeutic.

Genesis F.
Are you working too much? Do you register your hours? Make sure your’re working more or less the hours in your contract? And if not, can you have that conversation with your boss – that you may have to cut down a bit at work to keep a healthy work life balance?
Abdullah F.
I guess that depends on what your working as. I have personal goals and tasks that will affect my work, such as learning a new skill, reading academic literature, going to conferences and so on. But I never do "work" outside of work unless I really have to. I have so much else to do, such as working on my own projects, see friends and family, relax and recreation, excersise… Being hard on your priorities can help you leave work at work. As for being tired after work, the only thing to do is to sleep more and wake up rested in the morning. There really is no way around. Excersise helps though. To get energy, you first have to spend some.
Sofie W.
I personally feel tired on those days when I DON'T do enough work at work. It's something to do with satisfaction, might not work for all people, I don't know. On the other hand my work is built in such a way that I very rarely have to work really hard…
Rosana S.
I dont mind taking work home or working on the weekends sometimes. What is important to me is sticking to my good routines and habits. Waking up early to stretch and exercise. Getting to the climbing gym three times a week. As long as I don't compromise on those good habits (which I love) everything else falls in to place. Those rituals are sacrosanct to me. I will not compromise them over deadlines or commitments to anyone. Outside of those things my time does not belong to me but to everyone else.
Susan Q.
This is a a subject you must learn to separate ASAP. When I started my business (one of them) I was so caught up with the whole idea of success that I forget not only about my family… but myself! So I started setting daily goals, small goals, achievable goals. I started chunking and working my day with a pomodoro technique. And think about it, if you can’t accomplish your work from the time you start to the time you set the time to end, you are not managing you time correctly. Use your screen app, see how your mobile behavior works. Much of the time we dedicate a lot of our time in social media, WhatsApp groups, etc etc, I’m not saying that’s bad, im saying that you must chunk your time for everything you want or need to do.

It’s all about rituals, discipline a lots of it, which will fuel your motivation. Create a daily ritual, stick to it, and stop stressing about work. That doesn’t mean you won’t work hard, the work won’t get done by itself… but analyze your project or projects and create small goals to reach that project, and adjust those goals to your TIME, meaning that you have to know yourself, be honest and set goals that you can actually reach, in a daily matter. Focus, if it’s a 9-5 job, well set your goals around that time and after that, turn off everything. Be discipline both in your professional goals as your personal goals.

Be strong, be disciplined, practice time management tecniques, erase anything that consumes your time during that grind time, and when the clock stops, YOU stop. You will be more productive, creative and relaxed. Stressing just created a bad environment for you, your colleges and most importantly…. your family!

Best of wishes!

Ernst Otto T.
Sorry but I don’t accept that there is a separation between ‘work’ and ‘daily’ tasks. My quess is you had a quick check when writing the question on how to discribe the wording for ‘daily tasks’…….they are the same thing! It’s ‘living’! And it’s wonderful. Be present to the moment. And love every moment. We don’t work to live. We just live. And it’s our choice how we live every moment. (Start liking what you do……you won’t get tired. You’ll feel satisfied and that’s different than tired)
Curtis T.
No I feel like I'm always doing work at home. Maybe if you just calm down for a minute and do something for yourself that you enjoy, you might feel more energized.
Gabriella P.
Take some time during each work day to get up out of your chair or stand up station and find some stairs to climb. Take a walk. Set a timer so every few hours you do this. Climbing and descending stairs makes you focus on nothing else. Also, think about doing yoga when you get home. A mat and a computer is all you need. Search for Yoga with Tim. A quick 30 min will actually revitalize you. I think of personal tasks as opportunities to get stuff marked off my lists.
Alan U.
Visualize, the same you do with the sleep, at night: imagine you need to leave the office without any problems, worries, thoughts, like if your manager would forbid you to as if you were stealing those, imagine you hang them physically in the clothes hanger, put them in shelves, at rest on your desk, even on the chairs and tables, yours and the others', but leave empty- hands, even naked, imagine you left everything in the office, even your clothes dirty from work there and you begin a new life from scratch, naked in the elevator on your way home.
Samantha T.
At work, I use the Pomodoro technique to make sure I stay focused. I have a number of pomodoros that I aim to finish in a day, excluding meetings and other interruptions and once I finish that set number, I leave. I have a rule not to check work Slack or email after I leave the office.
Magnus Z.
I recommend transition periods. This allows the body to decompress and “reframe” from work mode to home mode. For example, when I get home I spend twenty minutes enjoying my garden before I even go inside