Pinar N.
I see Fabulous as a part of „unplugging“. The exercises are here to make you aware and inspire to live a better life and not to add another app you are addicted to. You can use the app as a map showing you the direction to go, as reminder take good care of yourself and as a checklist for your day. So it is not meant to distract you from life, on the contrary it is to dive in fully and live your best life by taking care of yourself ❤️ Therefore, I think it is a crucial part of „unplugging“.
Bertram P.
The phone is on to remind us to practice whichever task. The phone goes down while I complete the task. The timer goes off from Fabulous to say: time is up.
Maria F.
That's a big dilemma. I have this solution but I haven't put it to work yet. I want to get away from the internet, not from the phone per se. I just unplug the internet, fill the gratitude part and then listen to the meditation I downloaded previously. This works for me. 🙂