Francis E.
You have to been disciplined motivation will go after a day but discipline will stay forever if you are disciplined you don't need motivation
Nasirudeen N.
The eagerness of us starting a good habits, we have so much energy to start is we need to the routine we tend to be more active, Buh as the time goes by we tend to slow down it very normal, this app have given the privilege of starting a habit at a time… so take your time to do a habit daily and reflect on how that’s makes you feel at the end, linger your thoughts in the goodness and the feel of fulfillment after the task , that way you enjoy what you doing, once you enjoy what you doing it gives room to continue… surely difficulty will come, Buh let your thoughts linger more on the win , also practice writing what you will be doing first the next day helps, like I know I have the app to remind me what to do
Buh I still write down anyways
(I will do my fabulous habits) that’s some sort of motivation ahead, lastly endulge yourself in meditation you can start with that , if you are overwhelmed by the rest of the habit.. it will really help to stay focused… finally motivate yourself, ask why you actually want that change, when you get your answers, keep it going for that sake… I celebrate your wins ahead of you 🥰….
Buh I still write down anyways
(I will do my fabulous habits) that’s some sort of motivation ahead, lastly endulge yourself in meditation you can start with that , if you are overwhelmed by the rest of the habit.. it will really help to stay focused… finally motivate yourself, ask why you actually want that change, when you get your answers, keep it going for that sake… I celebrate your wins ahead of you 🥰….
Isabel O.
A few things have probably happened. First; slow and steady wins the race- don’t attempted loads of stuff for one day that you’ve never even done before. A tip would be start with one habit/ thing you want to attempt do it for a few days and stay confident then add a new habit. Next, your not preparing yourself for your habit. If you want to exercise prepare your clothes and mat. Have a drink in the morning, make it at night.
Nimo O.
One way I have made myself stay motivated is giving myself a "Why?" or a reason as to why I am improving myself. This is not a simple answer, so taking time to sit down and think of a deeper meaning that is important to you is crucial. Ask yourself, "Why am I doing this? How do I hope to feel once I complete this? What am I excited for? What am I most scared of? If I ever want to quit, I must remember…" And another thing to remember is to celebrate your small achievements. Even just telling yourself "I did it" or "Good job" will do. Small, small steps at first. Going too extravagant right away is very easy to drive you away. Celebration can be used with or without a why reflection. These are two methods that have worked for me, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't work for you. Just remember that even small progress is progress, nonetheless. You're doing great.
Priya E.
Changing behavior is very hard. My answer is that finding time, finding the courage and having the intention are all unnatural for a human. Going against nature is very tough.