When you’re in a hurry, what do you eat for breakfast?

Th O Y.
I eat boiled eggs or fried eggs, with tea/coffee and a slice of bread or two, preferably with peanut butter spread. I add a banana to it sometimes. If I have a bit more time, I have a bowl of oatmeal with a banana sliced in.
Sheikh N.
Some fruits or I just pack it up with me to eat quitly later. I will eat some mangos or apple and bananas if I am in hurry or just have an sandwitch.
Claire P.
I always have on the go breakfast around my kitchen, like crackers, yogurt, fruits. anything easy to eat before getting to work
Lia J.
When I'm in a real rush I make sure to eat some fruits and try to throw in an energy bar. To make sure I have enough sustenance, I'll try eating bread with jam or peanut butter