What type of meditation you guys do?

Florence T.
When my brain is really tired, a YouTube video called ‘mindful breathing’ is my go-to. They come in 3, 5, and 10 minute videos. Lots of silence to give your brain a break, with occasional reminders to focus on your breathing.
When I’d rather actively meditate, I use the ones from the Calm or Headspace app.

Crist Foro I.
I don’t know much about it to be honest, but I’m focusing on my breath. I’ve heard mantra is quite good, but I feel like that would be more difficult for me as I have ADHD. Good luck!

Alex E.
I use the Headspace app and choose specific courses to guide me. I have used the Calm app in the past and also liked it.

Salvador J.
Breathing meditation. I seat on a cushion, with my legs crossed, knees touching the floor, eyes closed, long spin, and I breath. And breath, the mind wonders and I go back to the breath. There is this podcast I love, it has guided meditations, meditation instructions, and also Buddhist talks. Audio dharma. They also have an app ( which I prefer) also called audio dharma.

Arlene U.
I use the app @Calm.
It’s a guided meditation that teaches you to meditate without you feeling it’s difficult. I’ve been using it for more than 2 years. I really liked it

Lucas Y.
I do Vedic (transcendental) meditation. You do need to be trained in it.

There are some great guided meditations out there (not in Vedic) and many for free! The Calm app is also fantastic!

Sofia I.
When i meditate frequently my practice is often mindfulness meditation as, that helps me the most day-to-day and feels grounded/practical.