What should I do when I am not using my phone?

Jeppe Z.
I feel like doing anything relaxing away from a phone and bright light helps my body relax more. It allows me to concentrate on things more. I have tried things like reading, listening to podcasts, and coloring. All work great before bed.
Melissa J.
Read, play an instrument, draw, meditate, go for a bike ride or a walk, anything you want.
Phones are a tool, not a way of life.
Ahmed X.
The best thing to do is exercise! Doing calisthenics especially allows you to be creative with your body. Rounds of push-ups alternating with squats and crunches is all that is needed to get you in probably the best shape of your life. This allows you to push your body and figure out what you're really capable of doing. It enhances discipline and sets your creativity alight especially once you get stronger and are able to graduate to more intense physical exercises. These include clapping push-ups, one handed push-ups, pistol squats, dragon flags; the list goes on.