Lise A.
For the morning, I do a minute of jumping rope to warm up. Then I do some balance exercises which are self-explanatory for 5 minutes.
Here's the one that I use:
Here's the one that I use:
Santina P.
I alternatively do yoga or, take a brisk walk of about a kilometer one way. Yoga helps me focus and revitalise my mind while the brisk walk energises my body. Both can be done together as well however, it works better for me if I do it alternatively.
Franca C.
I’ve tried all sorts of exercise. I used to be a dancer, runner and rock climber. Now I have fibromyalgia and it is difficult to find exercises I like that don’t hurt. I found this one free on YouTube by The Firm with Rebekah Sturkie. I just love it
Alice C.
I manly dance. I’m a dance teacher and it’s simple to me.
Nowadays I’m trying to make myself dance more in my lessons in order to do more exercise
Signe Z.
Depends on what you’re aiming for if you want an easy workout choose the 7min one in fabulous but if you want to loose weight of get a 6 pack I suggest4 min workout in fabulous or running in the park
I hope this will help 😊
Rosa W.
I'm not a morning person so I found it hard to workout on the morning. What I did was start with five push-ups each morning then kept adding more. I do my full body work out in the evening. When I do the push-ups t helps me drink my water in the morning.
Daniel X.
Just 10 pushups to get in the habit of doing something physical in the morning. It makes it easy to do in the hurry if taking care of the kids and starting work on time
Marius C.
I start with some stretching then 10 jumping jacks 5-10 sit ups 5 push ups and kinda what else feels right for what I’m doing that day.
Ringo P.
I change it up every day. If you do the same workouts all the time your muscles get use to the movements and they become less effective
T O O.
I do ab workouts and sometimes I also do low intensity cardio! I follow Chloe Ting's 20 mins. Belly fat ab workout but I just do the low impact alternative in the morning.
Mirja C.
I mostly go to my tennis courts to play tennis with my sister and brother. If it is raining I do a exercise in my house which is usually push ups, planks, squats, and more. Sometimes I also go for a run with my dog.
Lena E.
I start with my old routine: 45-60 minutes at the gym, doing either a hard weights session or a calisthenics one. I do this three times a week.
I want to expand this to a 30-45 minute yoga session on the week’s other three days, alternating between gym and yoga.
Then will follow a half hour run, done before the yoga on the yoga-session days.
The final goal will be to include a 30 minute meditation session every morning on top of this.
In grand total, it will look like this:
Mon/Wed/Fri: Meditation, Gym
Meditation, Run, Yoga
Nathan F.
I did some stretches, which I should continue but include more foot stretches and perhaps take a bit more time with. I also am starting with a one mile run each morning which I hope will graduate to 3 miles.
David W.
Right now I walk in the morning. As the weather turns cold this winter I may add some strength days in if it gets slippery out!
Joel Z.
After a long break from regular exercise, I realized that one of my biggest excuses was that I did not have time. I found the tabata method which is 4 minutes per round and gets your heart rate up. Then, if I feel up to it, I can do more. Now I found Tone it Up videos on YouTube. The instructors are very positive and some of them are short (10-15 minutes). Now I have some inertia to keep going. You got this!
Jesus O.
If I’m not pressed for time, I will do a stretching exercise then the seven minute workout. Occasionally I will mix it up and do an apps or one of the other recommended workouts. Hope this helps!
Hana U.
I like to change it up depending on my day and how my body feels. Sometimes I like to do some gentle stretches, sometimes I take the long way to walk to work from my car and other times it’s fun to dance to a couple of songs in my PJ’s 😄
Zo T.
During weekdays I alternate between a 20 minute yoga and a 20 minute tai chi at home. Both wake up the body without too much strain. On the weekends, I go to a high energy dance class on Saturdays and do a 55 minute yoga session at home on Sundays. I do my strength training in the evenings on Mondays and Wednesdays/Thursdays and try to fit in at least 1 30 minute cadio session (eg elliptical) as well.
Nevaeh N.
I basically have two options, either jogging with my dog or then brief circuit training with 4-5 moves. I don't count normal walks with my dog exercise.
Debbie J.
I walk my dog in the morning and sometimes I’ll go to the gym and run on the treadmill, stretch and workout on the machines.
Hunter A.
I run first thing four days a week. I run slowly but persistently, usually 15-20 miles a week in 3-7 mile chunks. I do a 10 mile run every few weeks to make sure I still have that in me.
I also do yoga once or twice a week to stay flexible, and I do karate at least twice a week.
Gertrude T.
Right now I do 10 minutes of weight lifting in the morning. I use dumbbells and resistance bands. Then in the evening I do the running sphere.
Kristina J.
I like to get up in the morning and have a bit of a stretch just to wake up and then ill pop on my favourite feel good tunes and move my body in whatever way feels good. After that I might do a longer yoga session to create space for the day ahead and to reconnect with my body, ready for breakfast and to listen to whatever my body wants for that day.
Katherine O.
Just some stretching, cuz my body feels wooden in the morning. But fabulous made Me think of adding some cardio like burpy or at least push ups.
Amber J.
I have been doing the core exercises on this app. When I got bored I made a short playlist and danced around. Even if it doesn’t feel like typical exercise, it was fun and got me energized for the day!
Salvador Z.
I do the Fabulous (Reverie) stretch which takes about 10 minutes, and gets me moving and gives me calm reflection time. Then I go for a mile walk or walking guided meditation for 10-15 mins. This helps energize me and get me In a positive reflective productive headspace for the day!
David T.
Well, the crazy thing is that right after I started my habits with Fabulous, I came to a large convention. At first I was afraid I would lose my habits, but I was very resolved and made sure to include my water and breakfast however I could in my mornings. When I got the challenge to exercise, i realized I was already walking at least 30 min a day just from convention. So that became my exercise. I’m not sure what I’ll do once I’m back home. Walking in the mornings has been refreshing, but I’m curious to try dancing 🙂 Hope this helps!
Maria N.
I do random exercises, mostly cardio. Yesterday morning, I did some good intense cardio, played good badminton in the evening. This morning, I was not in mood for high intensity cardio, so decided to do some walking and stairs climbing for 3 sets (3 rounds in the apartment, 1 up and down stairs 5 floors, again 3 rounds…, like that.. ).
Just get physically moving based on ur mood and interests . All the best.
Nick W.
My “morning” exercise is to walk my dogs for 8-10 minutes. Then at 9 or 10 am (I’m retired) I do strength training for 30-50 minutes three times a week. I just got a bicycle so I fitting in riding around then before it gets too hot.
Sidraque O.
Walk my dog for 45min to 2hrs within an hour of waking up. Also do the first and second tensegrity series for preparing and gathering intent most days. As my lifestyle is honed I am transitioning to both before I start the day's tasks. Stay fabulous, angels ✌😇
Louis E.
Every morning I do some sort of exercise. Usually I do some yoga to warm up. Then I either do some cardio or a simple exercise such as 50 jumping, 50 , crunches, or 50 squats.
Paula E.
A 10 minute jumprope circuit. 1 min jumprope intervals between 30second intervals of pushups, planks, lunges, squats, ect. You can customize it and make it longer by repeating the set. I plan to work my way up to repeating it. 😊
Higina W.
Good morning fellow fabulous user;
In am b4 getting ought of bed i like to be in the sit postion n touch toes, you'll feel it in the thighs…😀
Also hold in position for few seconds to feel the burn…
You'll be on your way to shaply legs for sure!!!
Can also do side lifts with legs. Lay on side & lift legs up. 5-10 reps are good to start. Also, breathing you can do.
Good Luck & happy stretching…
In am b4 getting ought of bed i like to be in the sit postion n touch toes, you'll feel it in the thighs…😀
Also hold in position for few seconds to feel the burn…
You'll be on your way to shaply legs for sure!!!
Can also do side lifts with legs. Lay on side & lift legs up. 5-10 reps are good to start. Also, breathing you can do.
Good Luck & happy stretching…
Alison E.
I dont have a lot of time soni just pick a quick work out from the list that Fabulous provides, or a Sally up squat challenge. It's only a few mins ut it gets my heart going!
Madison W.
I personally like to have a walk early, but since I never wake up early enough ; I do the 7 minutes workout on this app and the core abs workout also available on this app. Thank you for asking me! Hope you have a great, fabulous journey!
Henny E.
I currently just do some stretching (like a yoga warm up), hopefully I will build up a yoga routine but for now some stretches is all I can fit in.
Glen Y.
I turn on my favourite music and dance, first slowly increasing tempo dong after song. Great energetic mood is a nice bonus i get.