What meal have you noticed makes you feel both full and energized as a breakfast?

Wendy I.
Oatmeal, because it’s filling and yummy. You can make different types of oatmeal and put different fruits, nuts and other things in it. It’s fun to make and gives you energy throughout the day. You need it to concentrate at work or school and give you energy to do exercises. 🙂
Catherine U.
First of all, I eat 2 almonds, 2 walnuts, 2 raisins, 2 cashew chestnuts and a piece of chocolate. After that, I eat 4 salty biscuits with peanut butter and a glass of orange juice to finish my energized breakfast.
Wendy I.
For me, a nice breakfast burrito does the trick. Due to a health condition, I need to keep breakfast vegan, but I get a lot of potassium and protein by using potatoes and beans. It's enough to stimulate my cognition while keeping me full until lunch.
Wendy I.
I usually take a cracker because I don't like extensive meals in the morning, but an answer to your question. I would say: bread with some egg and coffee. 🙂