What kind of stuff do you write about

Wanda N.
I personally like to do a brain dump of stuff. I just start writing and whatever pops into my head I write down in paper. I also like to write down my feelings in the morning since I am not in tune with my feelings and use it as a check in. I think write what I want to release, what I want to embrace, some affirmations, and my intentions for the day. Hope this helps.
Miroslawa O.
my day, my random thoughts and feelings as they happen, dreams from the night before, descriptive imaginings, analyses of recent events if relevant
Elias Y.
I usually just write what I would tell a friend, a friend that I feel very comfortable with and don't mind sharing even the "not so great stuff" or things I would feel embarrassed to tell somebody, it feels nice to put even those things out because then they stop bubbling up inside my head and I can let them go. Or I can look at them and think: "hmm, but is this actually true? and if yes what are the other sides to it or what can I do about it?". So for example, I would write: "I didn't wake up early today" (i tend to feel really guilty about it and hate to admit it to real people, i have trouble with sleep in general). But then I add ie. "but I went right into doing things I planned after I got up". If I hadn't written the first part down it would have been following me around the whole day as a dark cloud but since I wrote it down, saw it and had a chance to add something to it, i could just continue on with my mind free of that "shame".
Amanda S.
Well unfortunately I am going through a tough time right now as I am sure most of us are. I write about 3 things that happened that were great that day no matter how small and what I am thankful for I write about how I am feeling. I write a list of things I want to accomplish each day in my work, physical well being and personal life and what I need to do to achieve them. Breaking down one step at a time if I have to. Then crossing each one off at the end of the day. I find it keeps me more motivated.
Tyler O.
I write about my future self professions I want to be in and investments I would like make. I also write out a plan for the next anything from my workout to what I am going to do with my kids the next day