What kind of exercise do you do?

Martin G.
Well to be honest I just go with what feels right or what I feel like I should I used to have a routine but got overwhelmed so I ended up doing haircut back workouts but starting tmr I’m going to do my core focused workouts as well as waist workouts

Margot C.
I start every morning with "yoga with adriene". I walk to my office for about 30 min. 3-4 days a week I run 5-20 km. 1-3 days a werk I attend woroutclasses st lunch.

Nicole P.
Well I’m trying to lose weight while building a lot of muscle. So I usually start with legs (squats, lunges, and I think it’s called a leg extension machine) then I lift weights (10lbs-20lbs) starting with 10 as a warm up and I do about 20-30 reps with 10s and 15s and I try to go as far as I can with 20s but u eventually go up when 20 is an easy 30 reps. And then I do my cardio which I either run around a track and when I do that I walk one time around, jog halfway then walk, then see if I can jog the hole track. Sprinting is an option but me personally, I don’t like to sprint so I don’t. I really hope this healed ❤️