Sami U.
Tidy in small doable chunks and make it part of your routine. For example clear your desk at the end of the day before you quit. Or make your bed as you get out of it. It takes a few days for this to feel like I have it and then you routinely the small things to help you tidy up
Clare S.
Getting up early and sorting most things before you start the day. It makes u feel organised and accomplished, also wakes you up. Then you have less to do in the evening when u may be busier or tired.
Rosemary E.
When working from home, I like to use the pomodoro method (25 mins focused work sessions with 5-min breaks in between) and on every break get up and clean a bit. You can do suprisingly much in 5 min, plus it gets you up and moving from the desk!
Klodyn Z.
1. Clean the whole house, not one room at time. …
2. Gather all your cleaning tools in a caddy. …
3. Clear the clutter. …
4. Dust and vacuum. …
5. Wipe mirrors and glass. …
6. Disinfect countertops and surface areas. …
7. Focus on tubs, sinks and toilets. …
8. Sweep, then mop.
2. Gather all your cleaning tools in a caddy. …
3. Clear the clutter. …
4. Dust and vacuum. …
5. Wipe mirrors and glass. …
6. Disinfect countertops and surface areas. …
7. Focus on tubs, sinks and toilets. …
8. Sweep, then mop.
Vi N.
I guess cleaning up everything is my tip. Because of my ADHD, I really can’t just clean up one thing and then not clean up basically the whole house. So I pick one day every month just to clean up my house. I know it’s not going to stay super clean for very long, but at least I feel happy about it, and I’m not fighting my hyper fixation.
Albert B.
Create an environment you look forward to tidying in. Light some incense or pop some music or a tv show on that you love. Or do it with a friend!
Ngela P.
Whell everywone has a different stategie but personaly i start with picking up trash and stuff that doesnt belong in your room. Then i make my bed and clean the floor and wipe down my desks!
Ida W.
Put things back as soon as you are done with it. Give every item a designated place. And if you can't clean the whole house at one go, try one room or part of a room.
Sophie P.
Do it in layers/ steps. For example 1 . Pick items off floor
2. Put items in appropriate places trash in bin laundry in basket etc.
3. Hoover floor
4. Clean surfaces
5. Make bed
6. Use air freshener and open windows
2. Put items in appropriate places trash in bin laundry in basket etc.
3. Hoover floor
4. Clean surfaces
5. Make bed
6. Use air freshener and open windows
Andria Q.
To focus on one room at a time. Working my way from the left corner or wall to the right until I am back at the entrance of the room where I started. Also carrying a bin or bucket in order to gather the things that do not belong in that area, and put them back where they belong.
Adelisa N.
i thinks its to just put relaxing sounds and tidy up alone cause when someone tidies with u they want to be in control… for me its like that
Elena Z.
i am not a very tidy person, but with the room tidy i feel a little better. my best tidying tip is to fix up every night. arranging every evening the clutter will be less than ordering once a week and we will feel better because the room will always be nice and clean
Meg Z.
To set a timer and focus completely on that task until the timer is up. If I finish before the timer, I focus on something related to the task. If I can't finish before the timer, I stop and focus on the next task because it didn't get that dirty in one day, it's not going to get clean in one day but I have to keep moving.
Philip N.
My best ip is to find a time and to not procrastinate on it just get it done and then you will be able to do other things
Soukhya U.
To keep anything tidy, firstly you need to see what are the extra objects/things that are present in your surroundings. Remove them if u don't use them often. Just keep things required on daily basis. A clean environment means a clearer mind. Secondly, clean your working table with damp cloth/wet tissues so that all the dirt is removed.
Vaishnavi E.
Don't think too much about things and do your priorities first. By the time you have a break, organise other things. It helps me, hope it helps you too.
Christopher Z.
I race myself to see how much I can do in 15 minutes. If I am really struggling with motivation, I try to take on 15 things instead. Wash 15 dishes. Pick up 15 things from off the floor. Etc. Give yourself credit for progress, not just completed goals.
S Li Y.
My best tip would be to tidy up with a favourite song or a movie. I hate it when things are incredibly quiet it freaks me out. So I have things in the background to enjoy.
Jennifer F.
To tidy piles of clothes on your floor in a more fun way; sort them by colour, like first pick up the red ones, then the orange ones, etc.
Luwen N.
The best tidying tip that worked for me is to time myself while I am completing the task of putting away things. It is satisfying to see how much is done in a specific amount of time and the feeling of being able to complete what was set out to do.
Alyson O.
(No dishwasher in this apartment🙄) Soooo, My best tidying tip would be to just do a little here & there! I used to be an all or nothin person. If I couldn't do it ALL I did NOTHING. Terrible, and no way to live! Causes so much depression and regret and self-sabotage! So, if there are any dirty dishes on the counter, food in your fridge that needs to be dumped, or any cups or anything else in your kids rooms clean them out Only enough to where there's no food inside to draw 🪳's 😝! Let them soak in Really hot soapy water until you're done tidying everything else, or until next morning! The stuck food rinses Right off. Makes dishes So Very Easy, almost fun! To watch Any hard stuck on nastiness, just peel away with ease! I like using my sprayer nozzle then the dishes are clean enough to just grab a sponge drop a couple drops of Dawn dish soap inside… 🧼
give them a quick once over, rinse, & then…
✨🍽️✨ Easy peasy!
give them a quick once over, rinse, & then…
✨🍽️✨ Easy peasy!
Banjo B.
If you are a procrastinating queen like me, I would advice you to write your todo lists and then program your brain or you can even set a reward if you can meet up with the given time that you have set.
Yournee Y.
I mentally talk to my self I will do this and that today and Nothing will stop me. Now I don’t do anything strenuous because of my life. I give myself Praise and take my time doing it with small breaks in between.
Natas O.
I do it by rainbow colours, so start with red things and end with purple and if there is still stuf on the floor clean that after.
Kaylin A.
I think for me it's best to break cleaning up into pieces. This doesn't mean a whole room of the house. Think even smaller… First I will hang up/put away the laundry….Check! Then I will wash the dishes. Check! Looking at a smaller task instead of a huge one makes you feel more productive as you can complete it more easily!
Claudia P.
For me it would be having fun with it puting songs u like and tidying up.Also taking things slowwly because it can get overwhelming<4
Magnolia N.
I LOVE MAKING SURE EVERYTHING IS NEAT AND PERFECT. so when I start tidying up my room for example, I’ll focus on one part of the room. Like the bed. I’ll chuck everything off the bed and firstly straighten the sheets. Then I move onto placing the pillows near the head of the bed. After that I flatten out the duvet and if there are extra blankets place that on top. When the bed is done, I move onto picking up all of the rubbish around the room. Then I put all the dirty clothes in the laundry basket and end off with vacuuming. So basically, focus on one thing, complete it fully, and then move on.
Kizzie S.
Putting in music will instantly boost your mood and be more willing to clean up. Nobody actually feels like cleaning, but a good song and a broom/mop make a great combination
Malthe W.
Honestly, i think the best tip is to think about the rewarding feeling about how amazing everything looks after cleaning and putting things back in their place. I just love it. 🙂
Irmi T.
I always focus on one aspect first and that tends to be my floor. Making my bed in the morning allows me to transfer whatever clothes I left on the floor and fold it all away and from there I just keep going. My desk is always the hardest to tidy because it’s always so messy so I tend to dedicate a time of focus to it on its own. And if I run out of time I don’t have to clean it all as there’s always tomorrow to get the bits I missed!
Thea W.
I’ll try to tidy my room at least five minutes a day, for big room clean I need to wait until I am motivated to do it. If I’m not motivated it will not happen and it will not be done properly and every few months or every month I can urge to clean my room, and it’s awesome
Emily G.
Listen to a podcast you like! Audio is a good way to not get bored of what you’re doing. Don’t turn on a tv show for background noise if you think you may sit down and disrupt your workflow. I like to listen to comedy podcasts to help me get cleaning done even faster!
Friedrich F.
Say to yourself that you will only be doing it for 5 minutes.. you'll start because 5 minutes doesnt seem that long but when you realise you have been doing it for half an hour you will be surprises of how much you have done
Lillian P.
My best advice for tidying up is instead of thinking about it as a chore, think about it as a calming time for yourself and a time to get away. While I am tidying up I always listen to music to fit the mood I am in, and it makes tidying up more enjoyable and go by faster.😉
Emilie A.
To do it whenever I feel it has to be done. Sometimes I see it and I know that it’s calling me to tide it. I’m always working on tidying as soon as I untied, but maybe I need some rest first and then continue. Just do it for yourself, you’ll feel great. Best wishes!
Misty G.
If you are feeling lazy to tidy up just make a countdown to five then get up and play your favourite music it will help distract you from thinking of how hard tiding up is and just make you see it as an easy job to do
Cameron Z.
Generally it’s just picking up after myself and clearing off surfaces. Sometimes it’s just vacuuming or a quick dusting.
Ma Ly O.
Throwing away all trash, clearing out surfaces, swiftering from top to bottom dry, then finish off with lighting candles or spraying febreeze around the house.
Mia H.
My tip is to listen to music or a podcast while tidying up. It helps you focus and you don't get bored while cleaning. You can listen to your favourite podcasts, music and do something effective at the same time. Personally for me, listening to music while cleaning, doing work and sometime even reading helps me focus and stay motivated:)
Aurore E.
I record a video showing the places to be cleaned or tidied, with the mindset of posting it, the one that I feel worse about, I do first, then I redo untill I feel good about it. Or I think about the things I want and then clean knowing I cant get it with a dirty place .
Jonathan Z.
Take one thing at a time. When you try and do too much too quickly you then become frustrated. For example, start with cleaning one side of the room. Until completely done, work on the other side
Mpumelelo F.
Start small..or do little things everyday to make sure you stay living in a tidy space
Example picking up any paper you see on the floor,making sure your clothes get in the basket and not on the floor..I still struggle with that one😂
Example picking up any paper you see on the floor,making sure your clothes get in the basket and not on the floor..I still struggle with that one😂
Evandra Q.
Listen to music to make it more fun- don’t do too much at a time, do small periods of cleaning throughout the day or week
Mafalda Q.
For me it has to do with organizing and keep it organize. To chose a small task everyday like clean a drawer for instance and keep it clean and organized.
Mica P.
Honestly just room by room. Even if you have things in the living room to put away in the kitchen, just move them out don't put them away. Carry a trash bag and bin as you go. Jam out or listen to a podcast or audio book and take plenty of water breaks! It's never as much as it looks.
Rachel T.
My best tip is lay out the format in which you want to organize your stuff before you do the organizing. Maybe even do it away from the space you’re trying to tidy up. What’s the most convenient place for you to put your pencil case? Your shoes? Which drawer will your pajamas be in? Etc. I think this mostly applies if you’re gonna tidy up your entire room but the point is you can organize things without much thought if you prepare beforehand. You don’t want to use your last braincell wondering where on earth will you put your composition notebooks.
Rachel Q.
The best tip would be listen to some of your favourite songs and tidy up to it or you could watch something in the background. Just think how tidy it will be by the Ned of it
Sindulfo Q.
Well to speak the truth my tidying up tip is u have to do it by urself clean without any telling you to wash the dishes without being scolded to do so
I know how distracting our phones can be so the best way is for you to use your distraction in to something that can help you not hurt you and if ur distraction really is a burden to u then drop it if you can change it
I know how distracting our phones can be so the best way is for you to use your distraction in to something that can help you not hurt you and if ur distraction really is a burden to u then drop it if you can change it
Nuralia N.
Make a list. Thats what im best at. I recomanded do it during week end so it will be much easier to doing it wothout any distraction. While at it playing some music will hype the mood plus tdying up will make extra enjoyble.
Sol Ne C.
To start where the biggest mess is. The part of the room that will make the whole thing look cleaner. Or just pick up clothes and trash first.
Amanda P.
My best tidying tip is don’t overwhelm yourself trying to do it all at once. Do a 5 min task here, go relax, come back do a 15 min task, relax, come back do a 10 min task, go relax, ect.
Of Lia Z.
I just start organising stuff on shelves or table, then move on to cleaning surfaces. I always start from top and move to the bottom, so the floor is last place I clean.
Wanda Z.
So first I like to get in the cleaning mood therefore I do some cleaning activities (e.g doing the dishes) then I start by cleaning my work space I keep on moving (i.e I do the dishes then I clean my work space then I clean the whole room and do so for each room) I would also recommend so music or even meditate for about 10 minutes before starting to clean up yea well that's it thanks
Maaari Y.
The best one I would say is the best is to set a timer and not to stress your self to much. If you're cooking clean as you go for real help so much. Hope this help. 🧡🧡🧡