What is the perfect breakfast?

Franka F.
For me, a perfect breakfast is one that is quick, healthy and tasty. I usually have scrambled egg on toast. I mix it up and keep it fresh by adding a variety of ingredients, such as spinach, chorizo, peppers and red onions.
Bernard A.
Steel cut oats with fruit, peanut butter, maple syrup, yogurt, chia seeds and hemp hearts.
Naja E.
Bread with butter, fresh orange juice, and chocolate cake.
Lisette F.
Definitely one that is well balanced, but preferably one that makes you happiest.
Jake G.
4 grain porridge with a spoon of coconut oil, a cup of green tea
Tamara O.
Either eggs, oatmeal or fruits
Rosil Z.
Loots of fresh fruit! Fried eggs, whole grain wheat toast, and a glass of juice.
Antoinette E.
My Herbalife shake in almonds milk adding a banana.
Teresa U.
The perfect breakfast has lots of protein, fruits and vegetables. These will help you be more energized during the day. Maybe try going out and buying some eggs, fruits, and vegetables!
Anna C.
Ideally it’s something under 600 calories, high on nutrients and low on fat and sugar. Me personally, I eat something that makes me happy. I don’t worry too much about the details. So I’ll have a croissant, a cup of coffee, a little fruit and an egg.
Cl Ment Y.
A glass of milk with a banana and some dry fruits
Mait F.
Salad with ginger tea
Isabella J.
Some curds with a half of a red apple, peeled and cubed is perfect
Johanne Z.
For me, the perfect breakfast is a simple plant-based protein shake that provides me with the energy for my workout at the gym. I actually have two morning shakes. 😉 One for pre-workout and one for post-workout.

Here is the recipe:
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (rice protein)
1/2 banana (~50-60g)
50g spinach
1 tbsp powdered peanut butter
300-400ml water

Silje C.
Perfect breakfast is to provide good nutrients and energy for the entire day
Wolfram M.
Boiled eggs with cheese on toast and some cherry tomatoes.
Isabelle G.
Balanced and filling – protein, healthy fats and whole grains. Incorporate fruits and/or veggies. Plant-based ideally!
Josephine Z.
For me I would say a perfect breakfast is a healthy fruit smoothie with a banana or toast with peanut butter and banana with glass of milk
Emily P.
Seeded toast and eggs. For me, it is something I find easy to prepare for my whole family. It is health and gives me protein and iron. The heavily seeded bread also contains lots of nutrients. Okay there are probably better things to eat for breakfast, but for me this is the perfect mixture of delicious, quick, easy and healthy. Breakfast is the only meal of the day my family will 100% be together for, so I like to make it count.
Alix Y.
For me I like variety so to start with a smoothie which contains fruit, nuts and probiotics (yoghurt or kefir) and follow this up, after a rest and perhaps some yoga with a cooked breakfast which includes eggs or fish
Rayan E.
I think porridge is the perfect breakfast. I always love it when I am eating it. It always tastes great. It is filling but not groggy-making. And you can make it in advanced.
Fred F.
It has to taste good without adding sugar and butter. I like to throw some chicken nuggets in the air fryer and toast a bagel. It is something I can eat while driving to work.
Pearl J.
Protein pancakes
Jacob I.
Fresh fruit before a morning walk then back to have some oats with honey, chia seeds, hemo seeds, cacao power and mixed nuts
Leonard Z.
I live it every Sunday. My daughters and I make protein pancakes and Turkey bacon with mango spinach smoothies
Eline E.
I personally like old fashioned oats NO BUTTER just a

spoonful honey dash of cinnamon and 1/2 bananna and a handful of blueberries.

Paula R.
For me it is a smoothie with vegetables, fruit, protein powder and nuts.
Ir Dea G.
A healthy one
N Ria Q.
for me, I like to make my morning breakfast as easy as possible so I can maintain it and don’t feel a lot of burden from it.
So my favourite is oatmeal and I read that consuming your suger early in the day is more healthier than later,, so I add fruits or jams to it with milk and for the last topping I add black and sesame seed.
My fav way is oatmeal, date, banana and milk with seeds.
Consuming oatmeal encourages me to drink more water during the day too.
Claude E.
It should include fruit, for instance, apple, banana and pear. You can combine it with nuts, so into will neutralize sugar. There should be a small portion of protein. You can eat an egg or a portion of meat. One can combine it with bread. I use to add natural fruit juice.
Modesto C.
Scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes and a little spice (salsa). Some piece of fruit like a banana or berries. And a steaming cup of Irish breakfast tea with a touch of honey and cream or milk.
Harold Y.
I think the perfect breakfast is one you want to eat and is easy to make. I put kefir or yogurt, a very ripe banana or frozen fruit from Costco and a tasteless protein powder (vital protein) and either a touch of cinnamon or some dates.

The thing is it’s fast and I drink it through a straw while I finish getting ready. And I don’t have to stop to eat it

Allie O.
Hi! A breakfast should include proteins, carbs, fibers. For that you can eat cereals, eggs, yogurt and a fruit. Also it is good to have one piece of bread with butter, that’s for your brain😊👍
Danny O.
An egg and toast!