Hope it helped😊
Most breakfasts that are not so great are things with lots of sugar. Well having these things from time to time, it’s important to eat things that are good.
I know if I start with a sweet breakfast like a Danish pastry or sweet cereal or sweet muffin I tend to crave sweet food more frequently and usually it’s the sweet I crave.
I hope that helps x
Quick conclusion is that try your best to eat healthy good breakfasts because you’ll feel positive and happy all day!
Not so great breakfast is when you feel weak and won't be able to focus.
Because it will make you energy level become high in the next 10-30 min. but it will make your energy level after this go really quick down so you become really tired. So a great breakfast is as example fruit,yoghurt,eggs,….. because this will make your energy level rise slow and your energy level woud be go really slow down so you have like more energy for a long time.
That is the diffrence between a great breakfast and a not so great breakfast.
So eat breakfast, however, it is the most important meal of the day☺️
But I’m aware that not everyone loves to cook, so I would say for the ones who don’t, it’s about the quality of the ingredients, how healthy the breakfast is it, how fulfilling as well. And as The Fabulous says, whether it spikes your energy and leaves you depleted for the rest of the day, or whether it sustains you with energy until lunch or dinner time!
So I really enjoyed this challenge and I decided to make it as a healthy habit in my daily life.
Another aspect is the level of mindfulness with which you savor it. A slower thoughtful appreciative meal is better than a hastily scarfed down one any day. 😀
A not so great breakfast is full of sugar and not eneough protein and nutrients to give you energy. It will give you a sugar rush for an hour or so then you're starving again.
Also a not so great breakfast is not having one at all. You need the energy to get you through the day, not just the morning.
On the other hand:
Not so great breakfast makes you unfit for a work ,promote the quality of laziness.
A "not so great breakfast" though, doesn't leave you as satisfied as the other. I find myself being grumpy sometimes when I don't have a proper breakfast.
(1) oatmeal, fruit, sausage,
(2) yogurt parfait, PB toast
Not so great breakfast:
(1) sugary cereals
(2) too many pastries with nothing to balance it out
And an not so great one is simply which will either not effect you or will make u sick if u will over eat
The energy, the good felling, the sensation of eat something good and the long period we can wait for another meal, because you are what you needed.
Nourishing yourself with foods making you feel satiated longer are the best breakfast items, especially fibre and complex carbohydrates.
So it is much better to have a perfect breakfast most of the days.
While, not so good breakfast is merely to satisfy the bodily hunger but not to heart's content.
Also, you can use it as a motivation to wake up in the mornings.
A not so great one would be something like a donut, croissant, waffles made from processed flour, loads of processed sugar.
So that's why you should eat the great breakfast rather than the bad, sugary, unhealthy one.
Hope this helps!
no so great- a bowl of cereal
I need more proteins and veggies, seeds and fruits, this is the great breakfast