Edna P.
Breathe thru your diaphragm controlled the breathe back straight tongue in the right position head straight and hands on your knees it will work as hand support that it🙏
Caleb J.
Close your eyes and sit down somewhere comfy. You can use a chair or lie down if you want. Just think about long full breath's for a while. When you find yourself drifting that's okay just thinking about breathing again. The trick is to focus on 1 thing. You will never be able to turn off your brain so meditate on one thought. There is no wrong way as long as your comfy calm and happy
Otfried X.
The most basic technique it to find a comfortable spot to sit or lay down in complete uninterrupted silence for a period of time. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath. As thoughts come into your mind, acknowledge them and let them pass. The challenge most people have with meditation is they feel they’re failing because they’re thinking. Not the case. Continue to bring attention to the breath and be the observer of your own thoughts.
Arnim X.
Concentrate on one thing like your breathing
And don’t fight your thoughts, but let it go
Having a coach or registering in website for meditation is a good idea , I believe
And don’t fight your thoughts, but let it go
Having a coach or registering in website for meditation is a good idea , I believe
Ana S U.
Follow your breath. When you get distracted, just kindly and gently notice that and guide your attention back to your breath
Loreto N.
Close your eyes and sit down somewhere comfy. You can use a chair or lie down if you want. Just think about long full breath's for a while. When you find yourself drifting that's okay just thinking about breathing again. The trick is to focus on 1 thing. You will never be able to turn off your brain so meditate on one thought. There is no wrong way as long as your comfy calm and happy
Steve Z.
Close your eyes and sit down somewhere comfy. You can use a chair or lie down if you want. Just think about long full breath's for a while. When you find yourself drifting that's okay just thinking about breathing again. The trick is to focus on 1 thing. You will never be able to turn off your brain so meditate on one thought. There is no wrong way as long as your comfy calm and happy
Ron Z.
Close your eyes and sit down somewhere comfy. You can use a chair or lie down if you want. Just think about long full breath's for a while. When you find yourself drifting that's okay just thinking about breathing again. The trick is to focus on 1 thing. You will never be able to turn off your brain so meditate on one thought. There is no wrong way as long as your comfy calm and happy
Johan W.
Focus on the moment. Using my breath is the easiest for me. When I get distracted, I return to the breath gently and continue.