Agathe U.
Pick up something on the way or grab a pre-made snack so you can quickly eat before starting the day! Something is better than nothing!
Arnold T.
So che la colazione è il pasto più importante della giornata e non perché me lo hanno ripetuto centinaia di volte ma perché io stessa mi accorgo che se non mangio abbastanza la mattina ho più sonnolenza e mi viene fame prima durante la giornata. Penso che alla luce di questo, un po’ di tempo per la colazione lo troverò, prima o poi, anche perché tra l’altro mi piace molto cucinare la mattina
Shiro C.
If I know about it beforehand i'll try and prepare something the night before if not I always keep something that's grab and go in the house
Lily Y.
Get up earlier, then make yourself a fruit salad. Very quick and easy. You don't even have to cut the apple, or you can bring a knife! Or make your breakfast the night before, and put it in the fridge, depending on what it is. Hope this helped!
Marilou P.
Despite what this app might want you to believe, there is no shame in having a store bought snack lying around to eat before work. Any food is better than no food, the important thing is that you're fed and that the food makes you happy. For my first month of college I just ate little pudding cups every day for breakfast, because I hadn't figured out a proper morning routine yet and I didn't want to be late. It works, just have some stupid little snack you can grab and eat quickly
Marius P.
If I don't have time to cook before work then I should already have a breakfast prepared before the next day to have breakfast already ready for me to eat in the mornings.