Lior P.
Meditation has a lot of things to offer. There are some things that are common to everyone, and some are unique to the person meditating. Meditation teaches you how to focus, concentrate, how to relax our body and mind, there are guided meditation for specific things like control over anger/anxiety/overthinking etc. I used to practice a lot of guided meditations that worked on many aspects in my life, and recently I started learning how to meditate for practicing meditation and not just trying to fix things with meditation. Meditation has a lot to offer, so give it a chance.
Kay N.
Clarity, peace, comfort, joy and a friendly reminder to be in the moment versus constantly reflecting on the past and planning for my future.
In S O.
Meditation gives me the sensation of peace. The noise in my brain disappears and I can think more clearly. It also makes me calmer and more patient!
Sam Z.
The two that come to mind are patience and compassion. I give myself time to put everything on pause and open up to accepting things just the way they are
Ivan A.
Meditation gives me the benefit of reflecting of my day thoroughly. It’s something that’s always been old to me to do before and I never would. Given light into recent events I decided to try it again and the first time I did it once I finished I was surprised about how much of a relief off my shoulder I felt. It made me wonder if I could gradually do this each week then I won’t be so worried about the future all the time.
Vit Ria Q.
I have become a lot more patient. I don't really experience road rage anymore and I just kind of get out of the way when someone is driving aggressively. I also don't really get argumentative unless it's important and I can more easily control my tone.
Janet U.
I meditate several different ways. An important way is to focus on my breathing. Once upon a year, I received blood lab results that indicted high amounts of carbon dioxide!!!!! What did that mean? I asked my doctor and she felt it was hinconsequential. But I began to realize that while I have a good inhalation … I don't completely exhale. During the combination of the death of my mother, coinciding with the Covid -19 pandemic, I learned how important exhaling to remove carbon dioxide is.