Adeli I.
Generally, I am doing the 7 minutes exercise plan in the morning. However, There are some parts that my equipments are not compatible. I uly recommend you to have a mat for exercise.
Candice T.
I run/jog and then do push ups and crunches. It helps to have a dog, because she will hold you accountable every day lol
Mery F.
I have a dog, so I decided that when I take him out in the morning at my apartment’s rooftop dog park, that I could jog up the circles of the parking deck and again back down. Then I take my dog on a brisk walk and will sometimes add the suggested abs in-app.
Alexia F.
I am currently involved in a CrossFit program made of 3 different workouts to be alternated along the week.
They are pretty tough for me but the instructor who have created this program for me always says: #nopainnogain 😁
They are pretty tough for me but the instructor who have created this program for me always says: #nopainnogain 😁
Serafina E.
Well, usually I would use a workout app. 7-minute workout. But sometimes I would dance or learn a dance. I definitely consider it exercise because I’m moving my body, sweating, working hard.
Rotraud F.
Walking on the treadmill in front of informative you tube videos. Trying to stay away from news because I think it spikes cortisol levels. I like to watch spiritual discussions like sermons and interviews with people of faith.
Gavin G.
I walk to work every morning which is about 1 mile. On my days off I walk around my neighborhood or coffee shop and one day a week I go on a hike.
Alexander Z.
I do yoga for a few minutes first after that it changes by day. Every other day I do basic overall strength training. On Tuesdays I focuse on the arms and on Thursdays the legs. Every day I finish it off with a mile walk.
Maeve Z.
I always told myself I didn’t have time to practice flamenco at home, so now I spend 8 minutes of ‘ braceo’ (arms) and ‘floreo’ (hands) as a part of my morning routine. I’m loving it!
Dursun X.
I’m doing a mixture of yoga and stretching along with a run followed by targeting certain areas each day (abs, thighs, arms).
Mah S.
Usually the 7-minute workout in the app, but if I’m feeling sluggish, tired or don’t have much time, I’ll at least do the 1-minute workout in the app just to keep the habit going.
Russell O.
Walking the dog. I would like to incorporate stretching time and light strength-based exercises e.g., stretch, walk, 7 min exercise
Gauthier Q.
If I have a busy day and not much time in the morning, I do the 7 minute workout on the Fabulous app. If I have longer I go to a boxing class or do a longer workout on the Asana rebel app. I also try to take my dog for a 15-20 minute walk everyday.
Bella O.
I do yoga , stretching and exercises for actually building my body. It takes me about half an hour and the resultsresults are insane .
Jared S.
I catch up with my wife while she had our pup with her. It gave me more motivated to was little warm/cold. Not bad
Norman U.
Since I began using Fabulous, I’ve been stretching in the morning and walking in the evening. This morning I decided to walk, and I’ll stretch before the morning is through. I need to measure how far I walked. I’d like to walk three miles in a day.
Jeffery C.
I ride a stationary bike for 20 minutes when I'm home. I use the treadmill when I stay at my boyfriend's place or I'll go up and down his stairs for 10 minutes.
Toni J.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are run days for me. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, is strength and conditioning. Sunday is a stretch day
Astrid T.
I'm not exercising in the morning. There's nothing that fills me with more disdain than waking up early. So I exercise in the afternoon/evening every day because that's when I have the motivation.