Jade Q.
I love to have have boiled eggs crushed up on brown toast little bit of sauce yummy and fills you till afternoon / evening
Amauri C.
Fresh bread grilled with goat cheese and dried herbs. Eggs (poached, fried , boiled up to you), a salad (apple, carrots, reddish, cucumber or tomatoes, basil, green onion ) dressing olive oil, honey , mustard , lemon zest, lemon juice and garlic) and fresh coffee; drink water !
Ivan J.
Lots of protein and fibre, at least one of your 5 a day (banana, strawberries, blueberries, yoghurt), less "quick" starchy carbs (like waffles and pancakes), and more wholegrains to keep you fuller for longer.
Gregory J.
My ideal breakfast is warm (Ayurveda principle). I eat whole grains with nuts cooked in water with coconut oil, cinnamon and ground cloves.
Wyatt Q.
Protein- carbs and healthy fat. For example a high grain complex carb like 14 grains country harvest, a couple of sunny side eggs fried in coconut oil. Small piece of fruit like kiwi or half banana for some potassium to get the energy going