What do you usually have for breakfast on workdays?

Hannah S.
Something easy, but filling is best. In the spring I like oatmeal with lots of berries and honey. In summer I usually have yogurt with fruit and toast. Egg sandwiches are good year round, especially if you keep bacon already cooked in the fridge that you can warm up. Breakfast is the best!
Hanna E.
First prepare a simple recipe from a website then go to the shop a day before your breakfast make sure that it is something to prepare overnight then the next day get and you are ready to go.
Lance W.
I usually eat two raisin bread with almond butter and banana slices on top. To drink, I would take a room temperature glass of water and green tea to go!
Dolores E.
usually I eat a bagel with peanut butter or strawberry cream cheese and some fruit and milk but sometimes I will have cold cereal, oatmeal, toast, yogurt and coffee. Balance is key 🙂
Rima R.
2-3 eggs 🥚 sometimes boiled sometimes omelette, with one slice of toast, one slice of cheese, and a black coffee with no sugar, do you think my breakfast is healthy?
Victoria T.
For the past week I've been having overnight oats, I can prepare it the day before, it tastes good, is healthy and fulfilling