If I continue to refuse it, I try to do at least a small piece of work, 10 min or so…
Then my anxiety for completion does the rest 😁
Sometimes, even taking a power nap along with some music can help you energise and you will no longer feel lethargic.
have a nice day 🙂
I am still trying to deal with this, but there are a few things that have worked for me.
One way was to break down the work into small parts and assign a time to each of it. After doing each small part, I kept a small reward for myself, eg: listen to a fav song. This became an incentive for me to keep doing the work till it was all done.
Second way was to tell myself that the sooner I get done with the work, the sooner I'll be able to relax and chill without any stress.
Third way, the most important one for me actually, was to think how good I'll feel when I'll be done with my work and defeat my laziness.
This has been one of the most effective ways till now, because I don't want to feel bad for not doing my work because of laziness and instead want to feel that accomplished-feeling after getting the work done. So it has given me that extra push to get out of my lazy-space and get the work done.
Just a tip: Please be kind to yourself while trying to bring this change. Maybe not every time will you be able to get out of your laziness and do the work, and in those times, please be kind to yourself. Don't be too harsh for failing, because you're trying and that itself is work!
Leaving one of my favourite lines with you,
"Two steps forward,
One Step Backwards,
Is still one step forward"
– BB99
If I'm feeling lazy during the day I'll put on a study with me video from YouTube or one of the pomodoro videos and work according to that:)
1. I imagine the feeling that I am sure to feel after having completed said task.
2. One thing that my father taught me was the hardest part of any project is actually getting started. So I just act impulsively and jump right on what ever the task may be.
Usually after I get started on a task, I can then start to get a better understanding of what it will take to finish the task, and will also be able to get a better sense of how long it's going to take me and how good I am going to feel after completing a less-than desirable task.
This really helped me to get more motivated and do my work on time. That way I will have more fun time later when I am done with the work !