What do you do if you want a savory breakfast but you hate eggs?

Madaleno N.
Avocado! It is great on toast, bagels etc. Also, it’s super good for you. I don’t know if your vegetarian or not, but bacon and sausage are always great.
Eduardo P.
I place 1/4 cup of frozen fruit in a microwavable bowl with water and oatmeal or cream of wheat. After cooking, I add either walnuts or pumpkin seeds and vanilla yogurt.
Elias Z.
Avocado toast and a ham steak! Or maybe shrimp and grits, or even a BLT sandwich. You could keep it simple with a handful of mixed nuts and a piece of cheese
Anna W.
Sausage & hash, yogurt, or just go for "lunch" and "dinner" foods instead of "breakfast" foods. Whoever said you shouldn't have chili for breakfast is wrong.
Hans J Rg B.
I buy fully-cooked bacon and have a couple of pieces with a slice of toast. My son makes his oatmeal with chicken broth and savory spices, sometimes with a little ham, a few stir-fried veggies and cheese. Think: oatmeal omlet. Who says you can't have salad for breakfast? I've done that a few times.
Jennie Y.
Oatmeal porridge is my favorite. Is extremely healthy, keep you full for long and can be varied in many ways with almonds, pomograns, wallnuts, bananah, Apple, pear, cinnamon etc. I cook it in the micro with oatmilk or almond milk. Bananah is a good natural sweetener and if It’s too hot, I add some frozen berries like raspberries or blueberries
Nikolas C.
You can have any food for breakfast. Chicken, pork, whatever. My husband eats vegetarian sausage patties from Morningstar, they have protein and are microwaved and because they are vegetarian they don't have horrible cholesterol, maybe that would work for you. Or prepare another kind of meat in advance and just reheat in the morning.
Simon E.
High-protein idea: Trade a 6-ounce nonfat yogurt for a Greek yogurt version to get in about 6 more grams of protein per serving (for a total of 14 grams). Make your breakfast even healthier by adding fiber-rich berries to naturally sweeten your meal, and sprinkle on seeds, nuts, or high-protein, high-fiber cereal to increase the amount of protein even more.
Nicklas Z.
Whole grain toasted bread –

with ham and cheese/
with mashed avocado and goat cheese
With butter and salmon
With peanut butter and marmite

Maya P.
One option is to make an omelet that doesn't taste like eggs by adding lots of veggies and/or spices. Another is to have a whole wheat toast with avocado and salt/pepper. There should also be recipes online for breakfasts. You also dont have to eat "breakfast" foods. Enjoy any healthy option of food for your first meal. 🙂
Miroslaw T.
I always have oatmeal as a back up. Meal prep is, also, a great key to success. I use my crockpot to have protein cook over night and be ready in the morning. I switched to turkey bacon years ago. My husband is in renal failure so we both do that diet. High protein, low sugar and sodium. The keto plan rocks.
Laurie G.
I like eggs 🙂 but sometimes I can opt out for oatmeal or veggie/berry smoothy (celery, banana and peanut/almond butter; or avocado, plant milk and date ; or yogurt, soybean, blueberry)
Isabete Q.
You can make a great porridge (oat meal) using water, milk or different nuts drinks (I like the coconut water), a banana, some forrest fruits and mixed nuts. Change them everyday for diversity. It is a balanced, nutricious breakfas.
Louise P.
I don’t hate eggs but I do like left overs for breakfast. Chicken enchiladas, pizza, or spaghetti being some of my favorite go to savory breakfasts.
Luzia G.
Du Kannst Obst und Musli essen! Du Kannst Milch mit Zucker trinken? Viele Eier ist nicht gut fur deine Gesundheit!
Philip C.
Whole wheat bread with avocado and salt, a breakfast taco with beans and avocado, or oatmeal with savory flavoring like soy sauce and chili garlic sauce.
Ava W.
In my case I eat some cornflakes with nuts, dry grapes and a banana. I think it's a really good breakfast that has everything in it.
Suzanne E.
If I want a savory breakfeast, but I hate eggs, I will something like pancakes or something with meat like bacon or sausage and fruits like strawberries even bread with caramel or nutella would be very savory!
Ursula Z.
I have a tea with heavy cream. It's not sweet, and it usually satisfies me until lunch. I typically do not like eating a heavy breakfast. If I do go for a full breakfast, usually on the weekend, I like to make biscuit and sausage/bacon & cheese sandwiches (I also have eggs on it, since I do like eggs) nuts or tofu, also makes a good protein substitution without being sweet..
Josiele P.
(Whole wheat) bread with smashed avocado + squeezed lemon and some crushed black pepper on top – love it! Some people also add smoked salmon.
Ella O.
I actually just finished eating a can of tuna and really enjoy that. I like the Clover Leaf Lemon Dill because it has less than one gram of sugar and goes great on toast w a little mayonnaise or butter. I also eat it straight out of the can. If you don’t like tuna then maybe an already herbed cheese like Havarti with dill or jalapeño with slices of apple and/or some walnuts. Walnuts are really low on the glycemic index and are really high in protein. For added flavour you can add walnuts to a pan single layer w nothing added over medium heat to roast them. Just make sure they don’t burn, it takes a little practice but you can prepare a ton in advance to snack on.
Ugo Y.
Truthfully, I would sauté some mushrooms, onions, and spinach. Once cooked, I would toss all of that into a bowl of grits. I like the cheesy grits.
Jackson P.
Steamed veggies with whole grain of your choice, can add some cheese for calcium if desired. Yogurt with granola, sprinkle with spices of your choice (cinnamon, clove, etc).
Emmy C.
I often have avocado and grilled turkey bacon on toast as an alternative. You could even add some grilled tomatoes and mushrooms if you're feeling extra peckish.
Joe F.
Substitute with other sources of protein. Try some cooked lentos with parsley and a bit of seasoning. Quinoa is also a great option!
Rom O E.
For protein, you can try a tablespoon of nut butter on a piece of toast. You could also find a recipe for tofu scramble – there are some good ones out there. If you eat fish, you could try a little smoked salmon, too.
Elias C.
Avocado, bacon, and veggies. Preferably all organic + bacon with no nitrites/nitrates and no added sugar. The amount of healthy fats and nutrients will be savory and healthy.
Roland F.
I make red lentils on curry with the carrot or other root vegetables, possibly mixing it with coconut milk or fig chuttney
Pauline O.
I’d recommend beans and potatoes if you want something savory that isn’t eggs. I’m a vegetarian working toward veganism and I also really like soyrizo or like other kinds of meat replacement proteins. They’re great!
Eufr Sio Q.
I like to eat a potato hash with hollandaise sauce. I'm not a huge fan of eggs, so I add some bacon or steak for my protein. I will also cut up some tomato and/or avocado as well.
Emanuel F.
I personally love eggs but when we don’t have eggs around I will usually eat bacon or sausage with Avacodo food and tomato. As well as a spinach pineapple and kale smoothie which isn’t that sweet and very savory. Avocado toast is another option.
Ben F.
Grits! I skip the butter and cream, but add spinach, salt and pepper, and some hot sauce. Bacon/sausage mixer in there is awesome too
Angelina F.
Homemade guacamole or hummus with ham or turkey or tuna and salad and whole grains homemade pancakes or muffins with bio peanut butter (without added salt or sugar).
Nicklas X.
I’m not sure. I switch between eating eggs and eating a handful of almonds. I was eating eggs for a while because I forgot to get almonds at the store but I just kept eating eggs even though I was tired of them
Constance S.
I would make a list of all the savory breakfast ideas I have. I would keep it in the kitchen on the fridge so when I get stuck for something to eat, I can look at the list. Too, I have found, if I don’t know what sounds good to eat, I’m usually just thirsty.
Valmira P.
If you like bananas it is a fine replacement for eggs, I use it in my yoghurt with some linseed. This is a healthy option. Good luck.
Jeanne T.
Who says you have to eat eggs for breakfast? You can make all kinds of breakfasts that are savory and without eggs – my favorite is frankfurters in sour cream and melted cheese…
Victoria F.
If you are not allergic to eggs you can hide them in pancakes or other breakfast goodies I eat one daily because the animal protein stays with me longer
Josias A.
I like making my own homemade beef jerky. I get fresh Philly cheesesteak or fajita beef, coat in olive oil, rub the spices in, and bake 3-4 hours in a 200° F oven.
Walter U.
My other go to breakfast if you don’t like eggs or don’t have any, is toast with peanut butter and raisins. Or bananas or apples are also goo. On days when you have more time in the morning, take some toast with come cream cheese cucumbers and smoked salmon is a delicious fancy breakfast.
Jonas Z.
Here are some of my savoury breakfast go tos:
1) Savoury oatmeal or porridge – can be cooked in broth mixed with lentils or other grains, garlic, and onions, then topped with goodies like avocado and salsa.

2) savoury pancakes, similar idea to oatmeal – use a savoury pancake batter and top with your favourites

3) tofu scramble – my favourite version includes hearts of palm, spinach, and tomato, topped off with avocado and salsa.

4) eggless Benedict – pick any recipe for eggs Benedict and replace the egg with something yummy like a big slice of roast yam then top with goodies and a creamy sauce of some sort.

Susann T.
A savory breakfast, which I would assume you want to consist primarily of proteins and fats, with less carbs (because eggs). My first suggestion would have to be unsweetened Greek yogurt, perhaps with some nuts. High protein, low carbs, and healthy fats. Mushrooms can make a very good substitute for eggs, such as for a English muffin sandwich. Meat is also good starting point. Another idea is avocado. It's a good source of healthy fats, and pairs well with other breakfast items like toast. Porridge can be made savory, and is more for complex carbs for longer lasting energy release. It can easily be made more nutritious by adding additional ingredients, like proteins (even protein powder), and a healthy oil or some nuts.

If you can't decide, make a mixed dish in a pan. Mix whatever vegetables, meats, and seasonings sound good. Potatoes make a good base, and go well with a variety of meats, vegetables, and seasonings.

For more ideas, I recommend looking up typical breakfast foods for other countries or cultures. In the UK, baked beans in tomato sauce is commonly served with breakfast. Other cultures often use types of lentils, beans, peas, etc., as a protein base. They can even be ground, mixed, and then fried like pancakes or scrambled eggs.

Josefino A.
Cream of wheat and sausage if you have the time, if you do not have leftovers for breakfast. A little chicken, vegetable and fresh apple or pear (to add crunch) heated in a skillet (with oil/butter or water/stock).
An Bal N.
I also hate eggs. I like scrambled tofu with onions, garlic, turmeric and other spices. Trick is to squeeze the liquid outbofvtofubso it is on drier side. I also like potatoe hash.
Klaus Michael M.
You can eat things that aren't traditionally American breakfast foods. Like a Sweet potato,with stirfried spinach and mushrooms, and some cottage cheese
Dan T.
You could make a sandwich with cheese, salami, tomatoes, cucumbers, and so on. There are also recipes available for savoury oatmeal porridges. Sometimes just having a plate of cut veggies with hummus as a dip could work out just fine.
Emile Q.
Find alternatives to breakfast. Potatoes, sausage and biscuits are good replacement. Breakfast isn’t just eggs. Pancakes make a great breakfast!
Kathy X.
Do not eat it, but you can eat something else for example like vegetables or peanut butter and if you have allergies with peanut butter than I suggest eating something different.
Lola G.
There are plenty of meals without eggs. You can eat a toast with avocado and tomato or any other combination that you like. Also, you can prepare yourself a bowl of cereal with fruit.