Joshua W.
I usually feel like I failed and can't succeed and give up and pick up after a long time when feeling motivated only to fail again. I should push myself a little more to keep it up until its just a habit anymore.
Joshua W.
I try to remember the reason why I started in the first place and I'm pretty sure we all have our reasons why. Sometimes it would make you feel like that reason wouldn't matter but then try to think about your progress. Are you really willing to throw all that hardwork and development down the drain?
Joshua W.
First, immediately get back on the wagon, don't question why yet. As you get back into your routine, the thoughts of why did that happen will be there and you will be able to see clearly and make a strategy to avoid it happening again. And it will, but remember get back in action first and immediately! Do it like you fell down in front of people and you jump back up as if to avoid embarrassment. Don't think, just do it!
Joshua W.
well, I was advised to excercise early in the day. then it's done. I've done this before with running if I've wanted to get a long walk in aswell. run first. So it does work. Dont set yourself up to fail. That would be the first bit of advice. Do something that gives you pleasure would be the second. Try and see it as rewarding. Focus on the goal. Can you find a way of breaking down the problem. elastic habits. I love elastic habits. you can litterly give yourself a mini habit of five sit ups and you have still achieved for the day if you are done in x Long hard day at the office sounds like you are tired before you start.. sometimes I would save my run until the evening because I looked forward to it but I do flex habits and I've been in a recovery period for about three weeks after doing a twenty day streak. so I can empathize with the lack of motivation. I did read about the equation for recovery time after running a long distance race so I'm not giving myself to much grief for my hiatus. Mental and physical exhaustion are going to have similar effects if fiting excercise in is causing more stress than it solves it's not going to be helpful so you need to rethink the situation. excercise. noun. bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of improvement of health: walking is good exercise. Something done or performed as a means of practice of training: exercises for the piano. a putting into action, use, operation, or effect:the excercise of caution.
from that again I'd glean excercise is for the improvement of health. Dont make it another punishment
Joshua W.
I give myself a motivational speech then I turn off and try to silence all my distractions. I will maybe grab some food and water. After I will make a check list of assignments chores etc to the most important to the least. but I will break up that assignment into section. And because I am visual i will ad colour to make it look more active to the eye. And I have learned that seeing the progress that you are doing will improve your levels of motivation. Also you could ask someone for advice.
Joshua W.
I take a very long time to go back to what I used to do. After falling of the wagon I find it very difficult to start my routine again.
Emma Y.
Bevo un bicchiere d'acqua, poi faccio 15 minuti di stretching, 15 minuti di allenamento su una zona muscolare (che cambio dopo un po' di giorni), 15 minuti di stretching e 20/25 minuti di esercizi per la spaccata frontale e sagittale.
Joshua W.
Yes, Just let it grow all over you, you will automatically increase the time, but at first just start with what you have, let it grow organically from there
Joshua W.
I gather my thoughts and myself and remember that just because I failed doesn’t mean it’s the end. I also remember that every one has to fail in order to get bakc up and succeed
Joshua W.
Go into a depression. I think I look for happiness I other people…i just have a hard time facing the truth that 50% of my problem is something that I causes and that I'm 100% taking it on and stressing myself out
Joshua W.
Smoothies are great if you've got limited time. But I understand that it might be a bit noisy in the mornings if you're making them yourself. You could make it the night before and then you could leave it in an airtight cup/container for the next morning.
Alternatively, you could have some fruit along with something else like toast, cereal etc.
Hope this helps 🙂
Joshua W.
Start over taking small steps at a time…only work on areas that you truly need help with and eventurally it will become your passion
Joshua W.
I give up for a long time and I and mad at myself but I start over and stop and start over and start but i never give up
Joshua W.
Every new day is a new beginning. I don't let yesterday spoil my tomorrow cause one slip doesn't mean l should give up all together. Being kind to yourself is the most important thing.