Nemo Z.
Doing your morning papers and meditating seems like pretty healthy habbits to me already. I don’t think you should give those up. Why don‘t just add them to your routines on fabulous and remove the ones there instead?
Philip Y.
Personally, I think you should do a mix of the two. Your own routines, depending on what they are, could be very important for school or work. For example, if you’re late to work or class because you’re meditating, well then you should probably find another time to meditate or drop that from your routine. Really analyze what habits and routines you already have, and which ones are important to you. Keep the ones that are important, and drop the ones that are unhealthy/don’t make you happy/don’t bring value to your life. If the fabulous routines don’t make you happy, and aren’t enriching your life, then you shouldn’t keep them. Just because something is ‘healthy’ for some people, doesn’t mean it’s beneficial to everyone, or possible for everyone! I wish you luck, and hope you’re able to sit down and sort which habits and routines bring more value to your day to day life!
Morgan Q.
Absolutely not, keep with your own routine, it sounds great anyways! But still keep with fabulous as it keeps you on track, you also have the option to create your own routine, add your own habits, and your own times, so stick with it! 😄👍
Ieda Z.
When i first started I had the same struggles . I consider doing the fabulous routine a part of my normal routine. I started waking up earlier so i had time for both routines. If you need to remove something that is fine too. The fabulous routine does seem to help me but that can be different for everyone. If you feel that this app is not beneficial to you then it might be best to quit, but first try to adjust. It sounds as though you already had a pretty healthy routine, so you could just add on to that with out using the app.
Ma Wenn Q.
I think you should use the app’s suggestions to create a basis routine with which to work on and then add on those which you already do. The routines are easily customisable and I would definitely suggest doing so as I do myself. I start with meditation in the morning when I wake up and the routine I have created with their basis has really improved my day.
Isabella C.
You should do what the app says because yes, it is healthier and will help you live a better life.
Elijah S.
Awesome question! I decided to follow the app because clearly my routine was not working for me – primarily because I controlled it. The app gave me what I longed for and couldn’t afford- a personal life coach. The app wonderfully includes a way however to add in rituals that you want to have in your day; and you can add as a many as you like- and the app will remind you every day to do them- but with no pressure.. only encouragement for the ones you accomplish..So good luck!! and go be awesome today🌈✨🦋
Felix J.
Progress is progress no matter how you look at it. It’s hard implementing new habits into your life but wherever you can fot it in will make all the difference. Meditate before bed and put on a sleep meditation with headphones. Your exercise could be walking the dog, its movement that’s key. Breakfast should never be skipped. Most weight gain is caused by not eating a healthy breakfast. Clean your diet up, it will make all the difference. Don’t forget your water either, no sugary drinks or artificial anything.
Julie N.
I would reflect on how you feel now vs how you felt after your old routines. I think ideally it would be great to be able to do it all but I know that’s not always realistic. Could you try mindfulness exercises while eating instead of meditating? Or could you meditate for five minutes first thing in the morning, or at lunch or before bed? I’m not sure what morning pages are but you could see if you could do those at a different time. Or you could set your alarm a little earlier so you could have time for everything. I wonder if there’s a way to create a goal on the app. That way it will remind you and it’ll be something you want to check off.
Cecilie C.
Yes I do think you should stick with the app but make sure you make some time away doing what you want like maybe skip one work out day or sleep in just once a week not to break habits but to reward yourself for all the good you did. Just because you make one day of yourself doesn’t mean you broke everything all together
Julia I.
Personally, I am sticking to the apps routine because I am just trying the small steps for example I drink water during the day like 6 cups or more I don’t drink soda, but it’s first time in my life drinking water as soon as I wake upand that is a good thing. That helped me stop drinking coffee I had headaches the first week but later felt better. My priority was stop drinking see which one is more important in the morning meditating or excersing for example and so on. You can still do your routines but like evening time? Try to make a schedule to help you organise your day or week ahead. Hope that helps.
August E.
Maybe you are taking more than you can handle at once. Maybe try to incorporate the new stuff into your routine and oerhaps try doing either breathing or meditating. Cause we habe to work and do everyday stuff too
Debbie W.
Everything is worth doing if it sets you in the right directiOn. I would stick with the fabulous routines and make time for your personal routines. Meditation is a great thing and you can add it to your fabulous routine as well
Lucas S.
You better not to always stick to the App. You should follow its instructions at first and then try to make it your routine habit so that you can be yourself not just the one who does whatever the app tells.
Frederik C.
Make your decisions that align with both the healthier habits in the app as well as the ones you are doing on your own in your life. I have found that when I input my own habits into the app (be creative) and use the timer, reminder, and even the satisfaction of clicking my lists done; I am creating the life changes I need and desire to get done and hold myself personally responsible. The only rival is the You of yesterday.
Ted Z.
What the app suggest is targeting the general population. But in the end what is important is what makes you feel better. My suggestion is: do what the app says and then after a week compare the results. If you feel you were better with your previous habits, then stick to them. Do not worry experimenting, the answers are inside you, you just need to uncover them with patience.
Nicoline B.
I guess it depends what the old routine is/was. Water in the morning and a good breakfast is important. As for exercise, I personally try a short walk or 5 min body exercises such as core. Do what makes you feel better though.