What are your morning exercises?

Adam F.
I walk for 5 minutes without stopping in the house (we are still having snow in Minnesota.) I do strength building exercises for 1 minute each. Twice a week I go to Cardiac rehab at the local hospital. Per their instructions I walk 3 more 5 minute walks throughout the day. I also count steps. Have increased from 50-100% depending on the day. I haven’t synchronized my exercise with the Fabulous plan yet. I suppose it will come in time.
J Nio I.
Usually I try to go the gym for just 15 to 30 minutes, just to be outside, alone and quiet. If I can't wake up – it happens sometimes – then I just strech myself for a couple of minutes. That's how I like to start my day!
Dominik W.
I do circuit training— typically 3-4 exercises for 5-10 reps for 4 rounds. I walk on a treadmill too. I also do a warmup with some calisthenics and cool down with stretching. I used Nerd Fitness Academy to build my routine.
N Dio Y.
At first I try the ones that the app suggestion in the exercise section, but even though they were short, they were HIIT workouts which for the first things in the morning was to much. I wanted something like yoga routine to do next to my bed or just a walking routine.
Melinda Y.
Hello 🙂 I do some stretching/ yoga exercises , then abs ( 200 crunches and 200 pedal abs – for side abs), then plank ( 2X 60 secs) and finally 20 pushups.
Anne Rose E.
Most times I do 2 rounds of the one minute exercises which is 10-15 push ups , jumping jacks, and running on the spot….
Elias F.
I cannot seem to do it. I'll this chance to muse about it….Every bit of advice has not worked for me. Setting my shoes and clothes out is the best…improving that habit should work. If I'm able to get out the door before distractions start, I'll either take the dogs for a quick walk around the block, or a short run. But this happens maybe 1-3/mo.

I have access to a gym, and a new bicycle and a great treadmill in the basement. There's no time in the am for those. Once I step out the front door it's easy. I'm trying to notice what gets in the way of the path to getting out the door.

I've had it set in my mind that 6am is wake up time all my life. And 10pm bedtime is hard to make. Usually 11pm is more likely. With a pre teen and 14 yr old, bedtimes are getting later and mornings starting earlier.

A 6am wake up time allows 15min to get out the door before people distractions start. If I get out the door by then, I have an additional 10+ min before I have to be back for the morning routine.

I appreciate this space to think about it.

Hort Nsia E.
I start with yoga as a warm up, and then I move on to another app I use that plans my workouts according to my level of fitness, my trouble zones and goals, as well as, the times I’m available to workout. It’s convenient for me and I make sure I’m getting the most out of myself.
Hugo O.
Hi! I do a warm up and stretch then 30 sec exercises of star jumps, squats, step up, pushups, tricep dips, fast sprints on spot, plank and side planks with 5-10 rest in between or high intense 1 min exercises of star jumps, squats, high leg sprints on spot, back to squats then star jumps with 10-20 second rest in between,
Jeanette X.
I do the sceenic round in the Vondelpark, it is 2 km uneven terrein, partly running, partly marching. It is a habbit since a year.
Carmen E.
Eight minute fast walk around the neighborhood
Or eight minute yoga
The beauty of it is that it is a short time. You are done before you know it and it is completely up to you to decide when you are ready to increase the time as you go. Oh, and in case you didn’t know… YOU ARE AWESOME!
Gauthier Q.
I've stopped at Sphere's 7 minute programm. Sometimes I add 10-15 minute sessions for ABS or legs from other fitness apps.
Sofia Y.
I do a 15min HITT session. 30 secs of high intensity exercise such ad jumping jacks or burpees then 30 secs rest. 15 reps.
Cl Mence T.
I vary my exercise according to my mood and energy level. Like there are days I feel like running all the way to the park but others I don’t feel like going out so I do crunches or the 7min work out… i find it that one has different energy level through out the month and I don’t want to force my body and make exercise not fun by doing so. One thing I try to do to keep it going is doing it at the same time everyday and follow the rutine previous to it as well everyday. Also have a set of options that don’t require much change or preparation because the more you have to do to get it going, the more doubts and excuses you can find to do it. I’m a vata-kappa and this kind of rutine with certain flexibility has proven to work best for me. I do have to do it everyday to keep me going. If I get too lazy one day to do anything, next day is more difficult to get started. I think that is the key for me: even if just a little… “keep moving everyday”. Hope this gives you an idea of another option you could try 🙂
Naja C.
I do a 30 minute yoga routine by Meera Hoffman for burning belly fat and increasing digestion. Although I think that if I have days where I dont have 30 minutes I will try something else.
Julieta A.
I do some basic stretches for shoulders, back and core. Then I go into pushups and I either do 50-60 pushups and 20-30 squats in one go or I do 3 sets of 20-30 pushups and squats. If I have time, I will do some bicycles for abdominal muscles
Faith C.
Most mornings, I do a short 10-minute yoga session using one of many available YouTube videos. I also often skateboard to work, so as long as I accomplish at least one of the two, I’m off to a great start!
Lance S.
I stretch every morning for about 10 minutes with a morning chill spotify playlist and right before I make a cup of tea I dance out on 1 song I very love and if I have time I dance for longer. I also try to plank after that. I walk about 20 minutes to my train station but if I dont have time to walk that I just take my bycicle to get to the university.
Flenn F.
1. Drinking a glass of water or cold tea.
2. Five minutes exercise.
3. Writing down Goals.
4. Writing down top to dos for the day.
5. Reading news.
Phillip U.
-Stretch or little dance
Really anything that I want to focus on for that day. It could be abs, arms, legs anything really!
Erin L.
I wake up every morning and think about what I’m thankful for, think about my purpose, my meditate and I read and this starts me off in the morning to set up my entire day for success.
Victoria B.
My morning exercises are squats, push ups and planks. Or a short yoga routine if I have more time. I’m still working on committing more time in the morning for exercise but it’s tough because I’m not a morning person at all.
Francisco A.
my morning exercise is yoga..
it't very simple and can do it indoor..
but the advantage is real..
i think this is the best mosrning exercise for me..
because i need to go to work,,so a light and efficient exercise is the best fit!!
Fausta Q.
Depends on the day… I joined a swimming club that I go to once a week, or use the gym at my office, or go to a yoga class, or go for a walk, or do a quick workout at home.
Nora J.
I start with yoga stretching for 5-10 minutes. This week I m trying to add 20 squats with 10kg barbell to see how this consistency can help me to tone muscle and get a better form for heavier squats in the gym.
Aldo F.
I use an app called “Sworkit” that involves HIIT (high intensity interval training). There are various degrees of challenges one can choose. The app also allows you to choose types of exercises (upper body vs abs or full body combo, for ex.). It has a timer for each excercise and if I get tired, I march in place so that I am always moving and striving to improve.
Amelia Z.
Right now, I have an injured knee, so I do five minutes of knee exercises. I follow that up with the HASFit Active Aging seated exercises. Some days it’s weight training, some days stretching, but always a movement forward.
Barry N.
I do the Fabulous 7 min Work out – or I do yoga- Walk or ride my horze. I dont allways do the same Thing- and Not always in the morning- i aim to do exercises at some point of the Day everyday – i do it At the time it fit the rest of my Day- and i do the excises i Think is most Fun that Day – the goal is do just something and feel good about it
Karen O.
I can only exercise Tuesday and Thursday morning. I take a barre class or yoga fitness and sometimes swim. I’m not very consistent so I’m working on that. On the weekends if the ocean allows it I surf and that is something I can be consistent with. So choose an activity that you enjoy to make it easier
Barbiere Q.
Everyday I do resistance exercises for two muscles , and walk for 2 kilometres. I have a schedule! And swim every Tuesday
An Sia C.
It really depends on how much time I have and how my body is feeling. Things I like:
– yoga (sun salutation or following a video — YouTube is great!)
– exercise DVDs. I really like AgingBackwards by Miranda Esmonde-white right now, as it helps a lot with joint pain. In the past I’ve liked dance dvds and Jillian Michaels
– I have the Jillian Michaels app, which has either 30 minute programs or you can pick from shorter more focused videos. I find her stuff very effective, however, if I’m not staying on top of stretching/exercises to improve joint strength I personally very easily over-exert and injure myself
– I like going to group classes, when I’m able to afford them
– going on a walk and listening to an audiobook or a favorite album is nice
– I like the Couch 2 5k running program as it builds up reasonably
– really just whatever you like that gets you moving is great! We have a family friend my grandmother’s age who’s a serious gardner, and she has always had better mobility, strength, stamina, and flexibility that her contemporaries simply because she moves her whole body every day

I hope that helps 🙂

Lester E.
There isn’t much time to spare in the mornings, so I make the most of my morning routine and play music while tidying up and making my bed, and then I dance. The real exercising happens after work when I swim.
Isaac N.
My morning exercise is a routine of exercises for belly fat so I can have a better body for the dance on May 17th. I have a good amount of time to get started and I will and know that I will be completing my goal until the deadline.
Gl Dis F.
When I have time, I stay my day with a twenty minute Qigong routine. Either way, my exercise is biking to work. Functional, and it gives me time to wake up in the fresh air.
Hildebranda S.
Right now since I’m still focused on just making the habit, my exercise varies in the am…based on what I have time for and what I’m in the mood for.
5minute run (<0.5mile)
Weighted jump (great if you have space indoors or don’t even want to get out of ur pjs!)
Sworkit app is a great workout app because you can pick your level and type of workout and how much time you have even if it’s just 5 minutes!
If I have time, I lift some weights or cycle in the garage / neighborhood gym
Laura F.
I shoot for 30 minutes of activity. I follow an app called ‘30 day challenge’. I do 3 of the challenges and when I’m done, I fill whatever is left of the 30 minutes with yoga.
Sophie T.
Hi! It totally depends on what my workout schedule. Today was an active recovery day for me. So, I did yoga. I weight train often, maybe more often than most! At least 4 times a week & I use one day for HIIT or Tabatata. Working out is such a habit for me. I generally workout in the morning.
Nicky U.
My morning exercises vary a lot. At the beginning of the week I plan out what I’ll do each day. Sometimes it’s a vigorous group class at the gym. Sometimes it’s a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Sometimes it’s biking to work. And sometimes it’s as simple as a 2-minute yoga flow.

I do what I can do on a given day depending on my schedule and mood. All that matters is that I do *something*.

The best exercise to do is the one you *will* do!! 🙂

Nikolaj C.
Most days I go for a mile run, but if – like today – I feel a bit run down and tired, I’ll do some stretches/yoga instead
Ad Lia S.
I tend to do push-ups, sit-ups, short / long runs or jogs, and anything else that will get my day started with nice excersize.
Flenn N.
I go to this class called Baby Boot Camp three mornings a week, so I usually count that. One day a week I practice teaching my Music Together class in the morning. There are some large movement and choreographed movement pieces to that, so I get my heart rate up and work up a sweat doing it. On other days I’ve experimented with walking on the treadmill, doing the BBC warm up on my own in my living room, and stretching. Depends on my mood. And whether or not my toddler is cooperating enough to let me do an activity.
Felix X.
I am doing the Jillian Michael's Body Revolution DVD set. I have noticed it helps me to have an exercise routine and plan all preset for me so that I don't have to waste time thinking about what to do every morning.
Isabelle J.
I usually try to take a short walk. It's easy and relaxing. When the weather is bad I opt for one of the guided body weight exercise and stretching routines available ony phone.
Christian O.
I generally do some yoga, 5 minutes are enough and it’s great to wake up. It helps to increase my body awareness and it’s a great way to start the day full of energy.
Bobbie B.
It varies, sometimes I run things up and down my stairs. Go to early yoga class. Yard work. Carrying heavy things that I have been meaning to move. Or a walk around the block. I also incorporate yoga into my own routine at home.
Marius W.
20 full squats followed by 30 sec squat hold immediately jump back into 30 second plank followed by 20 push ups followed by 15 leg lifts to the side (left and right) then 20 bicycle crunches. Repeat to your endurance level.
Leah Q.
Well I use exercises from a seven minute work out programme, just a bit modifying it to my abilities. I can't perform some of those exercises so I change them to an easy version on the same muscles group.
Lino I.
Im not a morning person so I typically do something light like take my dogs on a 15-30 min walk. I will then workout later in the evening
Ben U.
I kick a soccer ball around with my dog. It’s more fun than jogging and the stop, go, side to side agility moves add variety to the exercise.
Jonathan Z.
Anything I can fit into my schedule. Some days it is just a walk, others days a yoga class. I give myself permission to be flexible and listen to my body but I make myself do something. The key is to keep up the intent to consciously move each day and remember to explore new ways to move like trying rock climbing with a friend when they ask. You never know what you will fall into a groove with.
Wesley J.
My schedule varies throughout the week. On MWF, I have to leave fairly early – so I am trying to get up about 30 minutes earlier and go to the gym downstairs for a short workout. I walked on the treadmill on Wednesday, and tomorrow I might try cycling. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I can leave a lot later – so I typically go for a medium or short run.
Derrick I.
Usually I only have time for a few pushups and squats. But I feel it is enough to start the day and get the energy flowing. 😊
Greg E.
I do some light yoga. I also do a minimum of 5 pushups, or as much as my soundly arms can handle. It really depends on how sore I am.

I also do a combination of core work outs. I stand a lot for my job so having a strong core helps my posture. Which helps my overall mood.

Stella X.
Stretching for 5 to 7 minutes.
10 push ups
5 crunches for the upper part then 5 for the lower part of abdominal
15 squats
Total time is about 15 mins to 20 minutes for the exercise
L O Z.
Generally, I either walk outside (if the weather is ok) or go on the elliptical in my garage with the door open a little to get fresh air. Sometimes I just don’t have much energy for cardio, so I do some yoga instead and then jump on my mini trampoline for 5-10 minutes just to get the heart rate up.
Tiffany F.
I either go for a walk. Or I wake up earlier and do sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges, set ups, or if I'm short on time I dance about for 5 to 10 mins xx
Elmer W.
I use small weights (2kg) in both hands and exercise my arms. I use 7 sets of HITT. Afterwards 12 kneebends and 15 pushups. Takes me about 7 minutes and gives energy before I hit the showers.
Gina U.
My morning exercises include many different varieties of fitness: tennis 🎾 most mornings, other times using the Fabulous exercise instructional ‘videos.’ In the afternoons, I use Nike Training to exercise at the gym.
Ronald G.
I have a epileptic machine at home – quickest why to get a work out without the pressure of going the gym (getting dressed, the journey, being there)
Josephine Z.
At the moment it’s a quick dance to get the blood pumping. But I think I will start increasing the distance on my walk to work.
Amelia S.
On monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I run 5 or 10 kilometres. On Wednesday and Friday I do a body workout with Results from Runtastic. On Sunday which is a day of resting for me and my family, I do some stretches.
Felix X.
Walking is the simplest way for me to exercise in the morning without requiring a major time investment. However, walking alone falls short of the energy boost received from a 20 minute yoga session.
Darlene C.
Just gentle stretching right now. Normally I exercise late morning or early afternoon with barn work, horse grooming and riding.
Violet F.
I just completed my morning activity. I still am wearing my exercise clothes before changing into day time clothes. Or, there might be an evening wear to conduct myself appropriately in style and pomp.

Unless I am wearing business casual or business professional, I do not know…that depends on your occupation. Anyhow, the exercises I just performed are known as the Tibetan five rites of rejuvenation. They resemble the Superman in reducing age and keeping me feeling youthful and in peak performance if you know what I mean. ;~)

The five exercise target different core groups of muscles and the aim is that age has been brought on by a slowing down of the rotationary mechanisms within the body. So, without going too much into details, the exercises help speed up the bodily rotations and thereby reduce the visible signs of ageing.

I am wearing my swimming costume as my exercise wear. Mother once taught me to put on exercise clothes to wear overnight as this would help me wake up and feel ready to rock the world. As eight minute exercises, I noticed the Fabulous application does prompt at the console for suggestions. Though, at the moment my Fabulous application does not seem to want to show the letters to read or any exercise videos. I don’t know the reason why…besides the point: Tibetan five rotes of rejuvenation help create a more flexible body.

Any long term exercises that go on for twenty-five minutes help keep the heart rate up as after the exercise, the body continues to metabolize. Fabulous recommends eight minutes for exercise which is roughly how long the Tibetan five rites of rejuvenation goes on for. There are also varieants of the Tibetan five rite exercises for anyone who finds them too strenuous. And there are stretches to work with too.

For example, the first stretch to work on in the Tibetan five rites of rejuvenation are head rolls. I shall be done with the Tibetan five rites of rejuvenation after ten minutes with 21 repetitions of each exercise. Then, I can go swimming for seven to eleven minutes as a warm up to tackling the gymnasium. I’ve already eaten before exercising which helps when one knows what foods to take before exercising or else suffer a stitch. Breakfast foods help me digest before exercising.

After my swim, I’m going to change my clothes into bicycling gear and go bicycling to the university area. It takes me one whole hour to bicycle and I won’t get back home until later tonight. On a Friday, I’ll be lucky that someone gives me and my a bicycle a ride back in the car. After bicycling, during the day I might feel like going for a run as well.

Essentially, Tibetan five rites of rejuvenation are my morning exercise for ten minutes. Then throughout the day I go swimming for fifteen minutes, bicycling for half an hour to forty five minutes and a two hour or one hour run / walk.