What are some of the best paper journal?

August F.
Just find one you like and that will stick out to you. One that you’d be proud to pick up decades after you filled it and skim through it.y journal was given to me by my fiancé. It’s nothing too fancy. Just a leather journal that I’ve had for years. I’ve journaled on and off, that’s why it’s lasted me so long. So it doesn’t really matter what type of journal you get, committing to writing in it is what’s important.
Olivia E.
I use "Black and Red" notebooks. They are hardbound, so writing on your lap is easy, paper is very smooth, archival quality, and they don't cost a fortune. I go through a lot of them, and have tried all kinds of journals. They look nice lined up on a bookshelf too. Amazon carries them in different sizes.
Ann B.
I spent a lot of time online and in store picking up the best journal possible, one that would inspire. I settled on a designworksink.com journal.
Corentin T.
Whatever feels more comfortable to you. I keep one beautiful looking leather journal with thickness pages and also have a couple of a4 folders. These are handy for adding pages, pictures and photos.
If you can, but a few and see what feels right for you.
Terry E.
I suggest a notebook that isn’t too large that you don’t feel comfortable carrying it with you day to day— one that has line spacing that you prefer, maybe you like writing on lined paper and maybe you’d prefer no lines which is nice if you also enjoy sketching. Think about your style of journaling when considering a journal. Chose on you like so you are more inclined to use it! Best of luck!
Venceslau Z.
i think moleskins are quite good, they come in different sizes fir for almost everyone, i personally like the thin ones cause you can get them in packs.
Silke X.
I debated this issue a few weeks ago, and decided that the best for me was to keep a digital journal and type. This makes it so much easier for me, since I can type fast, correct mistakes, and visualize my entries on beautiful fonts. I have found myself longing to keep writing now, something I felt only briefly when trying to keep a paper journal.
Ryan S.
Anything that is pocket sized so you can easily carry it with you in your purse anywhere you go, write thoughts easily as you go and use acid-free paper to preserve your written memories as acid-free paper are great for preserving documents for longer periods of time.
Jonas N.
I use the high performance planner to plan my day out on paper. For a proper journal I use Evernote or one note. I like to keep my journal electronic because I write out tons of thoughts about everything and I want it to be searchable in the future.
Stephanie O.
It's really up to your preferences. The best way is to experiment and find the best one for yourself 🙂 I really like those super insta-worthy ones but those just do not work for me because I have poor artistic sense. I like to use dotted paper for journalling. It offers alot of flexibility and structure but is not as restrictive as single lined papers. I customize my journals from Bynd Artisan. I enjoy getting good quality papers which my pen can glide on smoothly so I feel motivated to journal. Template wise, I take inspiration from the BestSelfCo journals (you can google "BestSelfCo"). Most importantly, don't worry about the aesthetics. Go for what allows you to express yourself sincerely and play around with different paper journals! Sorry not sure if this answers your question.. Hope it helps~
Logan Z.
I think the best answer is any paper journal that you will write in! I have one that I got as a gift that says “Pray more, worry less” on the cover and I like that because it has a little built in reminder for me to do something that I find helps me a lot: pray. The pages inside are lined and not blank, so I think that is helpful too. If you have trouble thinking of things to write about you might try getting a journal that comes with questions or thoughts for you to reflect on. Good luck!
James T.
Depends on what you’re doing, painting you need thick paper which won’t soak, journaling I prefer dotted grid pattern so it’s up to you.
Sabina X.
I use a project evo journal which is designed based on personality types. If you have an iPhone, there is an ap that works with it.
Amador F.
I personally use a journal with calendar , it helps me track small goals of every days and give me a whole view about my weeks.
Henny Y.
The ones that have a lock so no one can get in make sure to not lose the key though. Also bookmark to know where u left off.
Emma P.
I use the Moleskine soft skin pocket notebooks in beige. I know they can be a little pricey for notebooks but if you can afford to save for one I find that I take really good care of them and it makes writing a bit more special. I like the small size because it’s understated and easy to take anywhere. There is also a little envelope at the back where I keep small memories, tickets, receipts, photos etc. Best of luck on your journaling journey, much love! ♥️
Mads F.
The act of spending time and thinking while not looking at a screen is a part of my day that I cherish. Also, by writing in a paper journal I am not worried about distractions from my phone of computer.
Maria J.
Any journal you will use regularly. If you are tight on money a simple school notebook or composition book which frequently costs less than a dollar (at dollar store) will do. If you have more money, just get one that is attractive to you. It is better to not have a bunch lying around if you might end up writing in several at once.
Firmino Z.
Right now I am using a plain spiral notebook so I can cover it with stickers that each have special meaning to me. I’ve been journaling since I was a teenager. Over the years I’ve had several types of books I’ve used. There is something about finding a comfortable pen and feeling the flow of pen on paper that I find cathartic.
Vicki Y.
Try to experiment if you can, good stationary stores will sometimes have a set of samples for trying out. And don’t forget to pay attention to the pen or pencil side of it too! You can check online reviews on YouTube to get an idea of the kind of notebook setup works for you. Moleskine notebooks are a great starting point (I’m currently a big fan of baron fig notebooks myself, I find their dot pages work really well)
Holm Y.
I love Moleskine, my favourite is the black soft cover with dotted paper, in the approx A5 size.
My second favourite is the Leuchturm A5 hardcover with dotted paper (in purple!)
I've noticed that Leuchturm do a softcover, so I'm trying that next.
If you love interesting designs on the covers, then take a look at Paperblanks.
I'm based in the UK, so hopefully these are available where you are!
Friedrich M.
I love Peter Pauper press and Studio Oh! They always have great designs that inspire me to write all the time and I frequently get compliments about my journals ( a surprize bonus)!
Kathy U.
I have resorted back to an appealing soft paper back book for flexability and comfort to pick up. I like the pages to be a soft warm yellow to be easy on eyes, a larger spacing at the top of margin to allow date heading n quick notes. Along with a soft leather cover, i can remove for the next book to come, and my trusty pen i enjoy to hold.
Clara P.
The best tool is the one you use.

I’ve wasted literal days hunting for the perfect journal, blank book, or software every few years. In the end, I always go back to the same program I’ve used for 15 plus years. Blank composition notebook, overpriced question a day book, legal pad or loose leaf paper from the TrapperKeeper you had in 6th grade – it doesn’t matter unless you’re writing in it everyday. Just choose the one you like today and make sure you use it tomorrow. The tool doesn’t matter – it’s what you build with it.

Leslie Z.
I really like prompted journals. I tend to run out of steam after awhile or ramble on about nothing. Prompted journals or gratitude journals give me a good structure and make it easy to go back over time and easily compare or even chart/graph my moods and progress. It really opens my eyes and helps me see the areas that I need to change. I can also compare what I have accomplished and where I struggle.
Sylvia T.
I find if the picture on the front of the book or what it says on the front might mean something to me, that's what i go for
Susanne T.
I think the more you continue to express yourself even if it is through the journal, the more you developed yourself as a thinker and growing human being. A person who knows what wants respecting others perspectives, a better person.
Emil G.
I recommend Muji notebooks. They come in many different sizes, ink doesn’t bleed through most of the time, and they’re minimalistic.
Craig X.
The best paper journals are the ones you get excited to write in! There are many different kinds that offer prompts if you're unsure of where to start or are new to journaling. I personally prefer small flexible notebooks that I can stash wherever I may need them, like in the car and purses, on nightstands etc. Thinner notebooks also fill up quicker and add a sense of accomplishment
Estev O F.
I am using something called a 6 minute Journal, with prepared questions for the morning and evening, which take about 3 minutes each.
The questions follow the approach of thankfulness and mindfulness, e.g. “I am thankful for…” or “What good did I do for somebody today?”
This makes it easier to keep up with the habit and give good guidance. Highly recommended!
Melvin T.
I recently bought my first one from Ottergami on Amazon, I absolutely love it and the stencils it comes with are very handy too. Not too sure about the stickers, but they might come in useful one day
Walther Z.
A pretty book then decide into four on each page. Write what I do that day. And what I learn in the sides. Also at the beginning of each week,write down my task that week.
Larry Z.
I’m busy and don’t have time to journal. It doesn’t come natural to me. What I do like is the ones that provide thoughtful prompts and cues for you to talk about. I also found a way be sentenced five year one. All have been found on amazon.
Os Rio A.
I like simple spiral bound notebooks or loose leaf paper that can be kept in a binder. I prefer having a lot of space to write that’s why I chose that. If you’d like writing prompts, Brooke Hampton sells a book called “bleeding ink” full of some of her work and writing prompts. I adore it.
Rom O O.
I have tried using Commit30 and I thought that was pretty neat. They have stickers and other cute stuff, if you’re into it.

I also have this old fashioned and personalized leather bound paper, but I hardly use it because it’s not super friendly – no line guides, etc. I use it if I feel like I’m going to draw something.

There are ban.do notebooks at shopbop that I use at work. As you might have guessed, I am a list person and I love to journal.

No mater which medium you use, I think the key is using it. So go find a notebook that speaks to you. 😊 Good luck!

Arnold J.
Midori for paper quality. Anything with tomoe river paper. Paperblanks for a nice cover. Leuchtturm1917 for a bit of both.
Hadrien E.
I really love Leuchtturm1917 dotted journals. But what’s more important is knowing what you like and what you need, and you can’t do that unless you start.