What are some good small, quick breakfasts?

Frankie N.
Overnight oats or skyr/joghurt with protein powder with some fruit and a bagel or a bun, another option is toasted bread with mushed avocado and a scrambled egg
Luana Z.
The best way is always to add to what you already have. I used to have just cereal with milk but now I add all variety of dry fruits, dark chocolate, honey and coconut oil making it a greater well rounded meal that will keep me satisfied for longer and add greater nuticional value. I also like to have fish tins on hand like meckerel, tuna and sardine that I throw onto some bread with mayo and/or butter when my mental health is not the greatest fit to cook and wash dishes. If you have patience, you can do avocado toasts wether with egg or just halloumi with chutney or honey and chilly flakes for the perfect balance of sweet and savory with but of spice. Hummous with tomato and wilted spinach on a pan with olive oil and drizzle of lemon at the end with salt its great too. (you can also just do it in a microwave for a couple sec and then put the spinach on the toast). Have some bananas and nut bars on hand too just in case. Routine is the best ally, and also it's ok to be tired of the same meals but it is even more important to feed your body.