What are some good sample exercises when starting out?

Jasmim Q.
Every morning I do 30 minutes of yoga of all sorts. Every day I chose a different goal for the body. It makes me feel very good .
Ralph P.
Yoga for me
Whatever exercise, i think it is best to first find what exercise you really like take a feww days nmon trying one and then another. I started with 7 minute HIIT workouts and i succeeded but that was mentally tiring to do because I didn't like doing it. With yoga and sometimes dancing, i can feele relief in my body after doing it and i dont feel like i dont want to ecer do it again.
Alan W.
You can always check yoga for beginners exercises on Google. Theese are both easy to make and can help you to improve your life quality.
Slavko Z.
A bit of yoga or morning stretches can be good to start with. This way your body wakes up but it doesn’t feel like exercising! For a bit of change, take a small walk outside every once in a while
Prac Dio Q.
Meditation is best. Some stretching and planking is also a better option. Going for a morning walk and running through the neighborhood is also an option.
Fadime C.
If you usually get little to no exercise, then I find it feels good just to take a walk for about 30 minutes. You can also create your own body weight workout with exercises like squats, push-up variations, lunges, and more. Do some research to figure out what is best for you. Anything that gets you tired-but-in-a-good-way will probably be okay, as long as you are not pushing yourself too much.
Rayan Z.
simple ones that you’ve already heard of know how to do like sit ups, planks etc. For duration only do a little further from when you think your body is giving up! The only barrier is your mind, your body can always do way more than your mind is telling you!
Ian Y.
First you should decide what exercises fit you and your goals. If its muscles you're looking for, you should probably strengthen your hands and legs with pushups and squats and such…
If it's fat loss you're looking for, you should try walk/run or any burn fat workout.
You can easily find YouTube videos that matches your preferences. Good luck!
Anthony E.
When starting out I recommend doing the work out videos on this app especially the younger ones they’re really good you break a sweat and remember you might not be able to do everything fully but after a while of time of trying to do it you’ll eventually get used to it and your body will be like OK this is what I’m doing and you’ll be able to do that form of exercise pushing yourself is great but don’t push yourself too much
Teodemiro Q.
If you aren't used to working out make sure you start with some basic stretching like toe touches and arm circles. Keep your routine basic; 2-3 sets of push ups and sit ups.