I’m not a breakfast person – how are you able to eat breakfast every day and make it a habit? I’m basically just not hungry, and struggle with eating if I’m not hungry.

George O.
If you eat a very tasty breakfast it might help like not junk food but for example smoothies or toast stuff like that dont eat stuff which is plain cause even I used to go through through this and it was very hard for me to eat somthn even if I was hungry so then I made tasty and healthy breakfast everyday
Atan Sio B.
I've never been a breakfast person either, but I find that having a morning walk and workout routine helps me a lot to trigger that hungry feeling. Plus, I get to eat beautiful, colorful, good-for-you foods to top off the healthy routine!
Christina U.
Some people just aren't hungry in the morning and I think it's good you're listening to your body and not eating when you're not hungry. Maybe it takes you some time to feel hungry in the morning. If that's the case, I'd say pack something, like a protein shake, to take with you. Then you can have it when you actually feel hungry.
Sasha Q.
Make it the first thing you do, every morning. Don’t check your phone, don’t wash. This prevents you from being distracted or from skipping breakfast because of that toothpaste taste. Eventually, it will become automatic.

Remember, it doesn’t always have to be a huge fry-up. A slice of toast will do fine.

I would also recommend preparing the night before. Even if it’s just checking all the silverware you’ll need is clean and ready. This makes it much easier once you get up.

Hope this helps.


Guy E.
I don't eat cause I am hungry, I eat so I can get the energy I need to pull through the day (also mom won't let me go out without having breakfast 😉)
Emily F.
What worked best for me was to have the same thing at the same time every day. A serving of Magic Spoon cereal (dry) with my morning coffee was a survivable routine.